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Posts Tagged ‘root canal treatment’

The Root Canal, Explained

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

shutterstock_402395935We often see people recoil in horror and anxiety when we mention the words root canal. The truth is that root canal treatment has something of a bad reputation, which is largely unjustified. This procedure is often feared by patients, but it is actually a very useful and important treatment, which can make the difference between losing and saving a tooth.

About Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is used to treat a decayed or infected tooth. This procedure is called upon when an infection has reached the tooth pulp. The pulp is the living tissue. It contains the nerves ad blood vessels and once it becomes decayed or damaged, there is every chance that the tooth will die and infection will spread. Root canal therapy is a procedure designed to stem the spread of infection and prevent tooth loss.

Before root canal treatment, the tooth is numbed completely using local anaesthetic. This will help to ensure that you don’t experience any pain during the procedure. Your dentist will drill into the tooth to access the root canals, the part of the tooth that contains the pulp. Your dentist will clear away the decayed tissue, disinfect and clean the tooth thoroughly and then stuff the root canals using a material called gutta percha. Once this has been done, the root canals will be sealed, and a new crown may be fitted.

Is root canal treatment painful?

This is the most common question patients have about root canal therapy. Many assume that they’re going to have to endure awful pain while they have treatment and cope with discomfort when they return home. The truth is that you shouldn’t find this procedure painful at all, as it is carried out under local anaesthetic. If you do have discomfort once the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off at home, we recommend taking over the counter pain relief medication. We have an expert team of dentists at City Dental Leeds, and we promise that you’re in the best hands. If you’re anxious, we are here to help and reassure you at every stage of the process.

Getting to the Root of the Problem with Endodontics

Friday, February 27th, 2015

585986_blogEndodontics is the specialist field of dentistry that deals with the tooth roots and the dental pulp. The pulp tissue is the living tissue of the tooth and tooth roots play an important role in oral health. It is important to take good care of your teeth and gums and to attend regular check-ups to reduce the risk of dental infections, injuries and abscesses.

About Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure usually recommended once the pulp tissue of the tooth has become infected. When the pulp is damaged or decayed, the blood supply to the tooth is reduced and the tooth begins to die. At this stage, there is risk of abscesses developing and infection spreading through the tooth.

Root canal treatment takes place under local anaesthetic and the aim of treatment is to reduce the risk of infection spreading and protect the tooth. Your City Dental dentist will numb your tooth to make sure that you don’t feel any discomfort at all, and then start the procedure by drilling into the tooth to reach the root canals. The decayed pulp tissue is removed from the root canals and your dentist will clean the tooth thoroughly to remove traces of bacteria and ensure that there is absolutely no decayed tissue remaining. The canals are then sealed using gutta percha, a dental filling material. We usually recommend fitting a new crown after treatment to make the tooth stronger.

Is root canal treatment painful?

Many people have a terrible impression of root canal treatment, but the truth is that there’s nothing to worry about as your tooth will be numbed before treatment starts. It is perfectly natural to be nervous and our experienced dentists will do everything they can to make your feel comfortable and reassure and calm you throughout the procedure.

Is there an alternative?

Often, root canal treatment is recommended when there is no other option but to extract the affected tooth.

What Happens During Root Canal Treatment?

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

585811_blogRoot canal treatment is a procedure, which often provokes feelings of fear and anxiety, especially among patients who suffer from dental phobia, but what exactly is it and do you really need to be worried if your dentist utters the word root and canal in the same sentence?

Root canal treatment is a commonly performed procedure, which is designed to save a tooth, which is severely infected or damaged. If your tooth is decayed and the infection has reached the pulp tissue, root canal treatment is usually recommended. The pulp tissue is located inside the tooth and it contains the living tissue, such as the nerves and blood vessels. Once an infection has reached the pulp chamber, there is a very high risk of further infection and dental abscesses and the tooth effectively begins to die.

What happens when you have root canal treatment?

Before you have treatment, your tooth will be numbed completely using local anaesthetic. Your dentist will then drill into the affected tooth to access the pulp tissue inside the root canals; all the decayed and damaged tissue is then cleared from the root canals. Once the root canals have been cleaned thoroughly, they are then filled with gutta percha, a dental material. The canals are then sealed. We often recommend placing a new crown following root canal treatment to offer greater protection and strengthen the tooth.

Usually, root canal treatment is an alternative to tooth extraction.

Is there anything to worry about?

Our expert dentists have experience in providing root canal treatment and they do everything they can to achieve the best results with minimal discomfort. Your tooth will be numbed before treatment begins, so you won’t feel any pain and our dentists will encourage you to relax with a film or some music. We promise that root canal treatment really isn’t as bad as its reputation suggests; the majority of our patients leave with a smile on their face wondering what all the fuss was about!

What Happens During Root Canal Treatment?

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

2143132_blogRoot canal treatment is a procedure, which may be called into action when the tooth pulp becomes infected or injured. The pulp lies beneath the enamel and dentine layers and contains the living tissue of the tooth, including the blood vessels and the nerves. Once an infection reaches the pulp, there is often only one alternative to root canal treatment and this is extraction.

The root canals are narrow channels, which run from the top of the pulp chamber to the tip of the root.

What happens when you have root canal treatment?

The aim of root canal treatment is to remove decayed pulp tissue and clear the root canals to prevent an infection spreading. In order to do this, your dentist will drill into the tooth to access the root canals, clear all the decayed tissue away and then clean the root canals thoroughly. All this will be done under local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain at all.

Once the root canals are clear and clean, they will be filled using gutta percha, a dental material. Filling the root canals helps to reduce the risk of bacteria spreading into the roots.

In most cases of root canal treatment, it’s advisable to replace the tooth crown with a new crown; this helps to protect the tooth from further injury or damage. Crowns are custom-made and they sit on top of your natural tooth; we recommend ceramic crowns for a natural looking aesthetic.

Does root canal treatment hurt?

There is a popular belief that root canal treatment is very painful and unpleasant, but our dentists are highly skilled and they use their expertise to prevent discomfort. The tooth is numbed using local anaesthetic beforehand, so you won’t feel any pain. Many of our patients dread the procedure coming in and leave wondering what all the fuss was about! If you’re a nervous patient, don’t hesitate to mention this to your dentist, so they can take extra special care of you and help you to feel less anxious.


What Happens During Root Canal Treatment In The City Of Leeds

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

1528196_blogIf you have an infected tooth, you may be advised to have root canal treatment, but what exactly is root canal therapy and what benefits does this procedure offer?

What is root canal treatment and what does the procedure involve?

Underneath the hard enamel layer of the tooth lies a section of the tooth called the dentine; the dentine contains the pulp tissue, which is the living tissue of the tooth. When an infection reaches the pulp tissue, which contains the blood vessels and nerves, blood supply to the tooth is reduced and the tooth gradually dies; the risk of further infection is also increased. Root canal treatment is a procedure, which is used to save a tooth when the pulp tissue has become infected; it is often the only alternative to extraction.

Many people are anxious about root canal treatment because they assume that it will be painful; however, we carry out treatment under local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel a thing and you can just relax. Once the tooth is numb, your dentist will drill into the tooth and removed decayed tissue from the root canals; once they are completely clear of decayed pulp tissue, your dentist will then clean them and fill them using dental material called gutta percha. The root canals will then be sealed off; this helps to prevent bacteria from spreading to other parts of the tooth. After root canal treatment, we usually recommend placing a new crown, as this helps to make the tooth stronger and also makes it look more attractive.

What are the benefits of root canal treatment?

At City Dental Leeds we do our best to keep the teeth intact and healthy and root canal treatment is a procedure we use to eliminate infection and reduces the chances of a tooth being lost. In most cases, root canal treatment is a really effective and beneficial alternative to tooth extraction. Treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic so you don’t need to worry about pain and the end result is a strong, infection-free tooth.

Tip Your Cap To These Top City Dental Crowns

Monday, April 7th, 2014

3943593_blogIf you’ve had an accident and your teeth have been injured or you have severe decay, you may be advised to have a new crown. The crown is the visible part of the tooth.

Dental crowns are restorations, which help to make the teeth stronger and replace decayed and damaged tissue; they are available in a range of different materials, including precious metals and ceramics. Porcelain crowns are very popular because they blend in with the colour of the natural teeth and they have a lovely sheen.

Crowns are individually made for each patient, to ensure that they fit the tooth exactly. Before a new crown is placed, the tooth is prepared, which involves removing all the damaged tissue and cleaning the remaining tooth thoroughly. A mould of the tooth is created and this acts as a template for the new crown. It is common for a temporary crown to be fitted and once the permanent crown is ready, this will be removed and the new crown fixed into position.

As well as repairing broken and decayed teeth, crowns can also be attached to dental implants to replace missing teeth and they are commonly used after root canal treatment, a procedure used to save a tooth that has been infected.

Painless Root Canal treatment in Central Leeds

Friday, February 14th, 2014

658156_blogDo the words ‘root canal’ fill you with fear? If so, you’re not alone. Most people experience some level of anxiety when faced with dental treatment and a root canal treatment seems to be a particularly terrifying prospect. Root canal treatment is a common treatment, which is used to treat infected and decayed teeth. In many cases, it is used when the only other alternative would be to extract the tooth, so in other words, this is a therapy, which can save the day if you’re dreading losing a tooth. The aim of treatment is to remove the decayed tissue from the tooth and strengthen the tooth so that it is able to function normally in the future. Root canal treatment has a bad reputation, but it is actually a very important and relatively straightforward procedure and the tooth is completely numbed, so you shouldn’t feel any pain at all. The first stage of treatment is designed to remove decayed tissue from the root canals, to do this, your dentist will drill into the tooth. Once all the decayed tissue has been taken out, your dentist will clean the root canals and then fill them with dental material to prevent the infection from spreading. After treatment, it is common to place a new crown to make the tooth stronger; this will also have aesthetic benefits for the tooth. Any dental procedure may be daunting, especially for those who suffer from dental anxiety. However, we use the latest techniques to reduce pain and ensure you feel comfortable and confident when you have treatment in the city of Leeds.


Why you needn’t fear Root Canals in Central Leeds anymore

Friday, January 24th, 2014

585811_blogIt is very easy to fall off the wagon and ignore your oral hygiene in an effervescent party-place like central Leeds- at least you’re having fun eh? But if you continue to do this and don’t look after your teeth and gums properly, they will bite back at you in the form of tooth decay. This will start by your teeth becoming sensitive and painful to the touch- get in now and a filling will suffice; leave it and the acids will break through the enamel and poison the inside of your teeth. If this happens, you will need root canal treatment to clear out the rotten rubbish inside your tooth, and the very mention of this procedure can conjure up horrible images for some people. It involves the dentist removing first the pulp and then the roots so that the tooth is completely free of all the infected matter within. Once this is done, then the tooth can be refilled, crowned and ultimately saved. Now in the past this was a spiteful and nasty little operation done with drills and possibly scalpels if the roots were complex, but fear ye not folks. Laser surgery has taken over from the drills and scalpels and the whole process can be done quickly and painlessly these days…but here’s the thing- try to look after your teeth in the future and avoid this procedure in the first place!


Taking-on Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

1788888_blogThere are lots and lots of things that can go wrong with in your mouth in central Leeds and it starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene, the build-up of plaque and the lack of dental visits. If you don’t keep control of cleaning your teeth properly, then film and acids will build up on the surfaces of your teeth. This in turn can lead to caries but inevitably, the enamel of your teeth will soon start to be eaten away and then, decay will set in. If you go to your dentists regularly, this will be spotted, but if you ignore this situation, these caries and acids will break through the surfaces of the teeth and poison the pulp and roots inside. Now you are teetering with danger, because although a root canal can help to save the tooth at this stage, you have still opened a dangerous can of worms that could lead to an abscess and periodontal disease if you don’t change your ways. Teeth decay is and indicator of worse things to come and if you don’t counter it quickly, it could spell danger for your oral health in the future.


The ancient Myths of the Root Canal in the City of Leeds

Monday, November 18th, 2013

4843159_blogOnce upon a time in a land known as the city of Leeds, there once lived an evil dentist that used to prey on patients that were suffering from bad tooth decay and if you found yourself in the chair, this dentist would cruelly drill and splice, sometimes twice, until the you suffered from severe pain- which goes a long way to explaining just why it is that people still have reservations and fears about the nature of root canal treatment. You see, when this treatment first began to be practiced, it was very raw- yes the science behind it was faultless, but the tools however were a little flawed, drills and scalpels, and seeing as the roots can grow twisted and turned, removing them after decay had infected the tooth could be quite complex; in some extreme cases, the dentist would have to slice through the gums and come in from the side. This meant that the whole operation was painful and uncomfortable. However, there is a ‘happy ever after’ scenario to this bad fairytale; science and technology has caught up with the theory behind this treatment and now lasers have replaced the original tools of torture. In seconds the infected pulp and roots can be cleared out painlessly allowing the tooth to be refilled and thus, saving it altogether…..the end!