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Posts Tagged ‘tooth abscess’

The dangers of ignoring a Tooth Abscess in Leeds

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

Complications come and go in the mouth, yet by popping along to see your dentist in Leeds, most can be sorted out quite easily, but this is not the case with a tooth abscess. When an abscess erupts, it starts to mess with the whole of your body; your face will swell uncontrollably and your mouth will be in severe pain once the problem blows up. During all this, the abscess will leak poison into the bloodstream and this is where the condition becomes dangerous, because these toxins will bleed into the brain and in some cases, it can put you into a coma and a life threatening situation. It all starts with poor oral hygiene which leads to tooth decay; once the inside of your tooth has been infected, it has nowhere to go and will then infect the surrounding gum tissue, causing a build up of poison and hence, lead to the abscess. Take no chances with this and if you can’t get hold of your dentist, get to the hospital, because you need to be pumped full of antibiotics to prevent things from going further. Only then can your dentist get to work on the tooth by doing a root canal to clear the infection from within the tooth. However, by getting your first abscess, it means that you have opened a portal to hell: abscesses don’t back down and they have a habit of coming back and if they do, the only way you can stop yourself treading dangerously again is to have the tooth removed.


Tackling a Tooth Abscess in the City of Leeds

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Most conditions that affect the mouth are not exactly considered to be ‘dangerous’ and if treatment is sought can be remedied within a few days.

Even minor emergencies, although uncomfortable and at times painful are not exactly considered to be threatening to your health; a tooth abscess is. An abscess is direct result of poor hygiene in the mouth where tooth decay has been allowed to develop and a high concentrated levels of toxins build up around the root of the tooth, and with nowhere to go, develop into an abscess and you will know when you have one as well- they can be excruciatingly painful and your face will swell-up badly.

At this point, you may be able to dampen the agony with painkillers and by massaging clove oil into the gums for some relief, but you need immediate medical assistance: an abscess will ferry toxins into the bloodstream and in some rare cases, it can cause heart failure and unconsciousness. If you can’t see a dentist in the city of Leeds, then find a doctor. It can only be treated after a quick fix of antibiotics although even then, an abscess is known for re-offending and whatever your dentist does to you, you may have no other option than to have the tooth removed

City of Leeds Dentist Warns of Danger of Tooth Abscess

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Tooth abscess’ are an unpleasant experience, especially for the squeamish. An abscess is the build of pus that occurs with infections within the gums. Your dentist will need to drain the pus and clean out the infection in a minor operation that is normally done under local anaesthetic, although general anaesthetic may be used in highly serious cases.

If your gums are swollen, painful, and red, or it becomes painful to eat, talk or generally move your mouth, you should visit your City of Leeds dentist to have a check up in case you have developed a tooth abscess. Your dentist will quickly be able to diagnose a tooth abscess if that is the problem. Your dentist may suggest that root canal surgery is the best method for solving an abscessed tooth. This procedure will involve your dentist drilling down into the infected tooth in order to reach the infection, and drain the pus. They will then be able to remove the infection, including the root if it has been affected. If necessary, when the infection has spread deeply, your dentist may recommend the complete removal of the infected tooth. If this is the case, they will also suggest various forms of artificial tooth as a replacement. To stop the recurrence of the infection the dentist may proscribe antibiotics.

Obviously if you can prevent these occurrences you will not have to go through surgery. Regularly brushing your teeth at least twice a day; doing interdental cleaning with floss; frequent check ups with your dentist; each of these will help prevent the occurrence of abscessed teeth and help your dentist catch them early if they do occur.

Oral problems and your general health: City of Leeds dentists explain the links to patients

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

All the different parts of your body are linked together in innumerable ways, through the blood stream, nervous system and beyond. No part of your body is an island, isolated from the rest of it and a problem in one part of your body can affect others. You should get any health problems treated so it cannot affect the rest of you. This is true of your mouth as much as anywhere else as oral hygiene problems can become concerns for other parts of you beyond just your mouth.
If you have an infection or abscess form in your mouth it can begin to affect other parts of your body, by flowing through the blood stream. It is vital then that you get it dealt with. If a blood clot forms as a result of an abscess in your mouth, it can have major implications for the rest of you.
Apnea is a concern for dentists, particularly sleep apnea, because it is caused by the muscles at the rear of the mouth relaxing during sleep and restricting the flow of oxygen to the lungs. This condition, as well as disrupting sleep in the most inconvenient of fashions, can have a serious impact on the lives of patients. It has been linked to heart failure to and strokes brought on by the hypertension caused by the lack of proper sleep.
All of which serves as a further remind to visit your City of Leeds dentist every six months to have your mouth checked out by a trained professional. With their expert diagnosis and treatment they can ensure that any problems are stamped out before they can affect your general health.

Avoid nasty complications of tooth abscess at City of Leeds dentist

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

When a tooth becomes infected as the result of dental decay, the body responds by producing excess white blood cells to fight the infection. This combines with the infected matter to form a substance called pus, which can often build up in the tooth and in the softer gum tissue around the root. This leads to a swelling called a tooth abscess, which is very sensitive and often very painful.

Tooth abscesses require urgent treatment from dentists because there are a number of associated risks that can occur if you do not receive treatment. The most obvious risk of ignoring a tooth abscess is that the infection will eventually destroy the tooth and it will fall out or need to be removed. Losing a tooth anywhere in the mouth at any stage in life is not a pleasant experience, especially when it can be easily avoided.

However, there are other risks that could be potentially more serious. Tooth abscess are very sensitive and make event the simplest daily activities such as eating and drinking very unpleasant due to pain. They are also prone to rupturing, which as well as filling your mouth with very nasty pus and bacteria, could spread the infection to other teeth in the mouth and even enter the bloodstream.

Recent research has proved a link between oral infection and possible heart disease and even heart attacks. This is because the infection enters the blood and causes a chain reaction, which ultimately can lead to a narrowing of the arteries around the heart.

Treatment of tooth abscesses involves either the use of antibiotics or a procedure called a root canal. Both are available at short notice from a City of Leeds dentist and could save you a great deal of pain and could even save your life.

City of Leeds dentist advises how to keep gums healthy

Friday, June 4th, 2010

The health of your teeth is very important. Just ask anyone who has suffered the pain of serious toothache or losing a tooth to infection. Cleaning with brushing and flossing is very important to remove plaque and keep your teeth safe from cavities and other dental traumas such as tooth abscesses. But it is important not to ignore the health of your gums, as these can be just as important to your overall oral health.

Your gums are the soft tissue around the base of the teeth that hold the teeth in place. They also form a crucial aesthetic part of the teeth and smile. Gum tissue is just as susceptible to attack from bacteria and plaque as the teeth themselves and if not cared for properly will result in painful gum disease.

In its mild form, gum disease is known as gingivitis. This is characterised by a redness or soreness of the gums, and maybe some small bleeding. Gingivitis is relatively easily dealt with by improving your standards of oral hygiene and making an appointment with a City of Leeds dentist. However, if the problem is not addressed in time it can transform into the more serious periodontitis, which is a lot harder to treat and a lot more painful. Treatment for periodontal disease may involve antibiotics, tissue removal or even a stay in hospital and tooth removal.

Gums can be cleaned easily each day by angling the toothbrush towards them as you brush your teeth. Flossing around the base of the teeth will also prevent inflammation and infection. Ask your dentist for advice on how best to look after your gums and tips on what to do and what not to do to keep them in the best possible shape.

Various treatments for tooth abscess at City of Leeds dentist

Friday, May 14th, 2010

4When tooth decay occurs and the protective layer of enamel is removed, the sensitive inner part of the tooth containing the dental nerve and root is exposed to the possibility of infection. If infection does take hold in the tooth, the body will naturally respond by producing an excess of white blood cells to fight it. These cells mix with the infected material to produce a substance called pus (also found in blisters and spots), which builds up in an abscess around the root of the tooth.

Tooth abscesses can be extremely painful and sensitive to hot and cold food. They can make your life pretty miserable and prevent even the most simple of everyday activities such as drinking a cup of tea or eating an ice cream. Tooth abscess are also very dangerous because they can rupture, releasing the infected material into other areas of the mouth and even into the bloodstream, which has links with heart disease and other associated health problems.

There are three main ways to treat an abscessed tooth. The first and most simple is a course of antibiotics from your City of Leeds dentist. This will hopefully fight off the infection and remove the abscess, allowing the tooth and bone to recover on their own in time. Some additional protective work may then be required to protect the tooth from further infection.

If antibiotics are unsuccessful or the infection is already too far gone, the dentist may need to drill down into the tooth and physically remove the infection. This is called a root canal treatment and is often much feared, although probably without due cause as it actually brings an end to the pain of an infection.

Lastly, and the worst-case scenario is that the tooth itself is so badly damaged that it needs to be completely removed. This is far from ideal and will require extensive treatment and then possibly a dental replacement such as an implant to restore the appearance of the teeth.

Prevent painful tooth abscess with visit to City of Leeds dentist

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

When plaque and bacteria attack the protective layer of tooth enamel that surrounds the tooth, they begin to erode it. This causes cavities, that eventually leads to tooth decay exposing the sensitive inner parts of the teeth, including the dental nerve, to infection. If an infection occurs in the tooth, the body will respond by producing an excess of white blood cells to combat the infection.

These white blood cells will bombard the infected area eventually leading to a build up of material commonly known as pus. This build up happens in the tooth or the area of gum immediately surrounding it. This is known as a tooth abscess and can be the source of great pain and discomfort. The abscess is also likely to be very sensitive to hot and cold food and can make everyday activities such as eating and even talking very unpleasant.

Furthermore, it is possible for the abscess to rupture expelling the nasty material into the mouth and causing the infection to spread to other parts of the mouth, and even into the blood stream. Recent evidence has also shown that infections originating in the mouth can be an underlying cause of heart disease and even fatal heart attacks.

Treatment from a City of Leeds dentist at an early stage of the infection will prevent the formation of an abscess and remove any trace of the infection for the tooth. More preferable still is that a regular six month check up appointment with a dentist will catch the infection before it has had a chance to become serious and can easily be treated.

If you suspect you may have a tooth abscess or are experiencing any pain in your teeth that could be the beginnings of an infection, make an appointment immediately to see your dentist and you could prevent a more serious infection taking hold in your mouth and causing further problems.

Avoiding pain, abscess and disease at Central Leeds dentist

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Without the necessary dental care our teeth may be at risk from a number of dental problems. This ranges from mild tooth decay and gum disease to the more serious tooth abscess and even tooth loss. The one thing common to all these forms of dental problem is the pain that accompanies them. Even a mild gum disease could be responsible for causing irritation and pain and the more serious the problem, the more likely it is to cause significant pain.

There are, fortunately, several very easy ways to avoid these unpleasant dental conditions. Firstly, with a good standard of oral hygiene at home you can reduce the risk of suffering from one or more of these nasty dental conditions. This is because brushing and flossing, as well as other dental hygiene methods, remove plaque and bacteria, which are the main causes of almost all dental problems. The more plaque and bacteria you are able to remove with effective teeth and gum cleaning, the less it is able to negatively affect your mouth.

A Central Leeds dentist will be able to instruct you in how to properly clean your teeth and advise you on which are the most suitable products to use for your teeth. This handily brings us on to the next most important way of avoiding tooth pain and gum disease; the dental check up. It is easy to be complacent about our teeth at times, especially if there is nothing noticeably wrong with them. But this could be a very dangerous attitude to adopt. Dental problems can start slowly but escalate very rapidly. For example, minor decay could be causing little of not concern but if it suddenly becomes a dental abscess the pain will increase dramatically. This problem could be averted altogether by receiving timely treatment for even mild complaints, and this is why a regular check up is so important.

Fight tooth abscesses, toothache and gum disease at Central Leeds dentist

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

There are few if any dental problems that cannot be treated successfully if diagnosed early enough. Ideally, any pain or discomfort experienced in the mouth should be seen by a dentist as soon as possible. With dental care it is prevention that is much more effective than cure. This is why dentists stress the importance of six-monthly check ups.

However, many people do not visit so frequently and even the most regimental dental patient is always still at risk from tooth decay and gum disease. Decay starts when bacteria is allowed to build up in the mouth. This forms a substance called plaque which breaks down tooth enamel causing decay. If this decay is allowed to progress unchecked it can eventually penetrate to the heart of the tooth where all the most sensitive dental nerves are located. Even partial decay can lead to overly sensitive teeth as heat and cold is transmitted through the dentine.

In the enamel is breeched it can become infected and bacteria allowed to attack the sensitive nerve and root. This can lead to toothache and when the body fights back, a pus-filled abscess may develop. Both of these conditions can be treated effectively if not too far gone. Infected matter can be removed and cavities filled with relatively little pain, protecting the teeth from further attack.

Gum disease occurs when bacteria attacks and destroys the gum tissue. In its early stages this can be combated with more effective cleaning and in more serious cases with bacteria or small tissue removals. Whatever the problem with your teeth or gums it is important to remember that Central Leeds have the necessary skill and knowledge to successfully treat your teeth.