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Taking-on Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

1788888_blogThere are lots and lots of things that can go wrong with in your mouth in central Leeds and it starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene, the build-up of plaque and the lack of dental visits. If you don’t keep control of cleaning your teeth properly, then film and acids will build up on the surfaces of your teeth. This in turn can lead to caries but inevitably, the enamel of your teeth will soon start to be eaten away and then, decay will set in. If you go to your dentists regularly, this will be spotted, but if you ignore this situation, these caries and acids will break through the surfaces of the teeth and poison the pulp and roots inside. Now you are teetering with danger, because although a root canal can help to save the tooth at this stage, you have still opened a dangerous can of worms that could lead to an abscess and periodontal disease if you don’t change your ways. Teeth decay is and indicator of worse things to come and if you don’t counter it quickly, it could spell danger for your oral health in the future.


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