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Veering towards Porcelain Veneers in Central Leeds

1567900_blogThere are many things that can get out of hand in your mouth very quickly in central Leeds; your teeth for a start can grow a little crooked. But as you get older, you can get troubled by your teeth losing their colour and looking worn down; gaps can also appear- leaving your smile in a bit of a state. But don’t fear because all of these problems can be tucked away behind porcelain veneers and get you up and running at the most in a couple of weeks- in a day if you go down the CEREC road. You first have to have the porcelain from the front of your teeth removed in order to make way for the veneers- it isn’t painful, just a tad uncomfortable, but once this is done, then the dentist can take impressions of your teeth so that the veneers can be made. When they are good to go (namely once they have been made), they are just simply cemented onto the front of your teeth and you are done; the results are simply terrific and you will have a smile back to be proud of.

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