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Posts Tagged ‘Bleeding gums central Leeds’

How to Treat Bleeding Gums Effectively

Friday, October 30th, 2015

18625044Get expert diagnosis and treatment of bleeding gums from City of Leeds dentists

Bleeding gums can be a common occurrence when brushing your teeth or flossing.  If the problem persists then you should inform your dentist so that any problems can be dealt with.  Bleeding from the gums might be an early sign of tooth decay which, if not dealt with properly, can lead to tooth loss.

The most common form of gum disease is a condition known as gingivitis and can manifest itself with bleeding gums.  You ought to inform your dentist if this happens to you so that the problem can be treated.  Antibiotics might be required but in most cases it is necessary only to tighten up your home oral hygiene routine.

It is crucial that gingivitis is dealt with and eliminated because it can lead to periodontitis.  This is an advanced form of gum disease which causes the bones holding the teeth in place to become inflamed.  This can end in the loss of teeth themselves, a painful process which will likely involve invasive surgery.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? Leeds dentists are here to help

As well as following advice in recommended home oral hygiene habits, you should also visit your City Dental Leeds dentist every six months so that your mouth can be examined.  If you find that your gums are bleeding then you should make an additional appointment rather than waiting for the next check up.  Bleeding gums might only be the result of you brushing with too much vigour, but it could signal that something worse is beginning to take hold and your dentist needs to be kept aware of such developments.

Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss Bleeding Gums

Friday, June 12th, 2015

364999_blogIf you notice bleeding when you brush your teeth, we strongly recommend calling and making an appointment. Bleeding gums are sometimes a sign of gum disease and the sooner we can sort this problem out, the better. Sadly, with gum disease, the longer you leave it, the worse it becomes and severe gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among UK adults. If you’ve spotted blood when you brush, now is the time to see your dentist.

About gum disease

Gum disease is one of the most common preventable illnesses among UK adults. It is caused by harmful bacteria in the mouth, which give off acids that irritate the gums and result in them becoming inflamed and painful. These acids are also responsible for enamel wear, which increases the risk of cavities. Plaque, the main risk factor for gum disease and decay, forms when bacteria join forces with food debris and saliva. It is a sticky, colourless substance that clings to the teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene should be sufficient to keep plaque at bay, but we also highly recommend paying attention to your diet and steering clear of foods that contain a lot of sugar and acidic foods and drinks.

When should I see a dentist?

Sometimes gums bleed because of an injury or over-brushing, but often bleeding gums are symptomatic of gum disease. If you see blood when you brush your teeth, your gums are swollen or sore or they look very red, we recommend calling and making an appointment. It is always better to treat dental issues early, as there is a risk of them becoming more complex and severe. Mild gum disease (gingivitis) is relatively easy to treat, however advanced gum disease (periodontal disease) is much more serious and often results in tooth loss. We advise six monthly check-ups for all patients, but if you do develop symptoms between appointments, don’t wait for your next scheduled check – call as soon as you can.

If you would like any information about gum disease or would like to make an appointment, simply call us or pop in during office hours.

Banish Gum Disease And Bleeding For Good!

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Gum disease is the last thing you want to deal with in the run-up to Christmas, so we have compiled a brief guide to help you banish bleeding and painful gums for good!

Preventing gum disease

Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults in the UK; however, it is preventable. The most important thing in the fight against gum disease is a good daily oral hygiene regime. Brushing and flossing help to remove and break down food debris and bacteria in the mouth before they get the chance to join forces and form plaque; plaque is a sticky substance, which attacks the enamel and irritates the gums. We recommend brushing twice a day for 2-3 minutes each time, flossing daily and using inter-dental brushes to clean the tiny gaps between the teeth.

Sticking to a healthy diet can also really help to stave off gum disease; we recommend adopting a healthy eating plan and avoiding eating sugary and acidic foods, such as cakes, sweets, fizzy drinks and fruit juice, on a regular basis. It’s particularly important to avoid snacking on sugary and acidic drinks and foods between meals.

Smoking increases the risk of gum disease because cigarettes contain hundreds of harmful chemicals and smoking affects blood flow to the gums. If you would like to quit smoking, we are here to help!

We also can’t stress the importance of regular dental checks and hygiene sessions enough!

What to do if you think you may have gum disease

If you notice bleeding when you brush, your gums are sore or swollen or you have bad breath, we recommend calling and making an appointment. Even if you don’t have gum disease, it’s much better to get checked out; if you do have early symptoms, these can usually be treated very effectively. It’s very important to treat gum disease as it progresses quickly and can result in permanent damage to the mouth.

The bad world of Bleeding Gums in Central Leeds

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

We can often get over exuberant when we brush our teeth in central Leeds if you have delicate gums, it can cause them to bleed, but if you know that you have done this, it might only require you to change your brush to a softer one. However, if the bleeding continues after brushing, it may indicate something more sinister is taking hold of your mouth- gum disease. In the beginning, rinsing your mouth out with warm salty water after cleaning your teeth can help to heal your gums. However, the alarm bells have been rung, and you should get to your dentist and explain your problem. It could be that the gum disease has taken hold and between the pair of you, you are going to have to put in some hours of hard work in order that the problem doesn’t spiral out of control. It is not only that the disease will ruin your gums and cause them to recede and hence, lead to tooth loss, it will also start to leak toxins into the bloodstream and over time, this will leave deposits and set up shop in your heart and other vital organs, and over a sustained battering from these poisons, they will eventually become diseased themselves and fail. Your dentist will do what is required, but you too need to change a few things in your life as well- your diet, your oral hygiene program and possibly take the heat out of your diseased and inflamed gums by using some herbal medicines in your daily hygiene routine.