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Posts Tagged ‘Oral cancer screening Leeds’

Oral Cancer Diagnosed Early in Leeds

Friday, October 16th, 2015

3708143_blogLeeds dentists are fully trained to spot early signs of oral cancer

Dentists are not only trained to spot and diagnose problems with your teeth and gums, such as tooth decay and gum disease, they are also fully trained to notice the early indicators of oral cancer.  This cancer is treatable if found in its initial stages and has a high survival rate, but can be fatal.  Oral cancer is another reason why you should be sure to visit your dentist every six months.

You are at higher risk of contracting oral cancer if you are a man, as they are twice as likely to develop the disease as women.  Other high risk groups include those who smoke tobacco and drink alcohol, but about one in every four oral cancer patients are either women or people who don’t smoke or drink.  Even if you are not in a high risk group you should still be vigilant about oral cancer.

If you find small swellings in your mouth or patches that are rusty then you should report this to your dentist.  Any bleeding from the mouth might be an early sign of oral cancer and these symptoms are sometimes accompanied by sudden weight loss or difficulty and pain in the mouth while eating.

Your dentist is best placed to examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer at your six month check ups but you can use your finger to examine your mouth at home for swellings and look in the mirror for discoloured patches.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? City of London dentists are here to help

Ask your City Dental Leeds dentist for more information about how to guard against oral cancer. Methods include ceasing the smoking of tobacco, cutting down alcohol consumption and keeping your diet healthy.

How an Oral Cancer Screening Could Save Your Life

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

658156_blogMany people dread going to the dentist, but how would you feel if a trip to the dentist saved your life? Oral cancer is a deadly disease and screening can literally make the difference between life and death. At City Dental Leeds we are eager to do our bit to raise awareness of oral cancer and we strongly recommend frequent check-ups and oral cancer screening tests.

About oral cancer screening

Oral cancer screening is not used to diagnose oral cancer, but it can be highly effective in flagging up potential warning signs that can then be examined in greater detail. Screening involves taking a close look at the soft tissue in the mouth and throat to check for possible signs of oral cancer. We use state of the art technology, including specially designed intra-oral cameras, to identify abnormalities in the soft tissue. Any abnormalities are highlighted and if your dentist suspects that there may be a potential risk of oral cancer they can then refer you for further tests.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer is not the most common form of cancer, but it is becoming much more prevalent in the UK and it affects more than 6,000 people every year. In the last decade alone, the number of cases has almost doubled, yet survival rates have stalled, as many people are unaware of the causes, risk factors and symptoms and this means that most cases are diagnosed at a late stage, when there is a high risk that cancer has spread.

The most common symptoms of oral cancer are slow-healing sores and mouth ulcers, abnormal lumps or swelling in the mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing and red or white patches in the mouth. If you have a mouth ulcer that lasts for longer than two weeks, we strongly recommend getting it checked out. It’s highly likely that there’s nothing to worry about, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Risk factors for oral cancer include drinking alcohol, smoking, a poor diet and exposure to certain viruses, including the HPV (human papilloma virus), which is also linked to cervical cancer.

If you would like to find out more about oral cancer or you would like to book a screening test, don’t hesitate to call us or pop in and see us if you’re nearby.

Six Facts About Oral Cancer

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

585804_blogAt City Dental Leeds, we are determined to fight oral cancer and we urge all our patients to keep up to date with dental checks and oral cancer screening. Like many forms of cancer, the earlier oral cancer is diagnosed, the better the chances of survival. Here are six facts about oral cancer:

  • More than 6,800 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year in the UK. This works out at more than 18 people every day.
  • Oral cancer is much more common in men than women. According to Cancer Research UK statistics for 2011, 4,510 cases were diagnosed in men, compared to 2,257 in women.
  • Oral cancer is becoming more common. Studies and statistics show that the number of cases has almost doubled in the last 10 years.
  • The main risk factors for oral cancer include smoking, drinking, exposure to radiation and other occupational environmental hazards. Around 65 percent of cases are linked to smoking and 91 percent of cases are linked to lifestyle factors.
  • Eating a healthy diet packed with fruits and vegetables can help to reduce your risk of developing oral cancer. A poor diet and insufficient intake of important nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables are linked to more than 50 percent of oral cancer cases in the UK.
  • The most common signs of oral cancer include persistent and slow-healing sores in the mouth or throat, a lump or swelling in the mouth or throat and red or white patches in the mouth. Other signs may include a persistent sore throat and difficulty swallowing.

If you have any questions about oral cancer or you’d like to book a screening test, don’t hesitate to call us. Screening checks are comfortable and they take just a few minutes. We simply use an advanced camera to look inside the mouth and check for any potential signs. Screening is important because it flags up potential abnormalities that may not yet be visible to the human eye.

Screening for Oral Cancer This Easter

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

4843159_blogThis Easter, you may be busily Easter egg hunts or days out, but spare a moment for your health. Oral cancer screening takes just a few minutes, but it could save your life. Don’t delay, call and book your appointment today.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer is an increasingly common form of cancer found in the soft tissue in the mouth and throat. Last year, more than 6,000 people were affected by oral cancer in the UK and the numbers are rising year on year. The main risk factors for oral cancer include drinking alcohol, smoking and HPV infection (human papilloma virus). If you smoke and drink heavily or frequently, you are more than 30 times more likely to develop oral cancer than a non-smoker who drinks infrequently.

Sometimes, oral cancer doesn’t cause obvious symptoms, but potential warning signs to look out for include red or white patches in the mouth, lumps or swelling and ulcers or sores that take a long time to heal (more than 2 weeks).

Why is screening important?

Screening is incredibly important because it can help to ensure that treatment is provided at an early stage, when the chances of survival are much higher. If cancerous cells spread and cancer becomes more aggressive, the chances of survival decrease. Sadly, at the moment most cases are diagnosed at a late stage and consequently, survival rates for this type of cancer have stalled. With screening, we can spot signs before they become visible to the human eye and this facilitates diagnosis and treatment at a very early stage.

Screening is nothing to panic or worry about. There’s no discomfort at all and we simply use a state of the art camera to look into the mouth and detect abnormal changes in the soft tissue. The test doesn’t take long and it may give you peace of mind.


How Oral Cancer Screening can Mean the Difference Between Life and Death

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

944335_blogIt may sound dramatic and far-fetched to say that a trip to the dentist could save your life, but with oral cancer screening, this really is the case. We are eager to encourage as many of our patients as possible to undergo screening in order to ensure that any potential signs or symptoms can be spotted at the earliest stage. Screening takes just a few minutes, but it can really make the difference between life and death.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer is found in the soft tissue inside the mouth and throat. Although it is relatively unknown compared to some other forms of cancer, it is actually becoming increasingly prevalent in the UK and it kills more people every year than cervical and testicular cancer combined. In the last ten years, the number of cases has almost doubled and experts predict that this is a trend that will continue in the future.

The main symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • slow-healing ulcers and mouth sores
  • abnormal swelling and lumps
  • difficulty swallowing
  • a persistent sort throat
  • red or white patches in the mouth

There have been major advances in cancer treatment in recent years, but in the case of oral cancer there has been little improvement in survival rates. This is largely due to the fact that many people are not diagnosed until an advanced stage where there is a high risk that cancerous cells have already spread.

Why is screening important?

Symptoms of oral cancer can be hard to spot and this is why screening is so important. With screening, we use the latest technology to spot early changes in the tissue, which may be early indicators of cancer. Once these changes have been identified, further tests can be arranged and a diagnosis can be confirmed or ruled out. Early diagnosis can have a radical impact on survival chances, increasing rates from less than 50 percent up to over 90 percent.

What happens when you have an oral cancer screening test?

Oral cancer screening is quick, painless and very simple. We use specially designed technology to look inside the mouth and identify abnormal changes in the tissue, which are highlighted using different shades of light. The test takes just a few minutes and you won’t feel any pain or discomfort at all.

Call us now to book your oral screening test.

Hateful Oral Cancer in Leeds

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

835423_blogCancer in any form is never nice, but in the mouth it is even worse. Even specialists in this field can get perplexed in Leeds because defining oral cancer is a bit of a guessing game: how is it that someone can smoke all of their life without any problems and yet the next person who has never smoked goes down with the disease- is it in the genes? Who knows? However, you should be aware of a few things and then be aware of the signs. Excess in every part of your life from over smoking, drinking and a poor diet will weaken your immune system and leave you vulnerable to attack from all manner of things. But if you start to notice symptoms not going away, like mouth ulcers, sore throats, aching jaws, or basically anything, you should get checked out immediately and it will only take a few tests to determine if anything is wrong with you. Get in quick and you have a great chance of beating this disease- the stats are good, and though you will have a battle on your hands, you can get through this if you are prepared for a fight. You will need support from every area you can find, but be brave- you can beat this horrible disease, however you need people around you to do it.

Oral Cancer Screenings can Help Save Lives in Central Leeds

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Oral cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, many people are still unaware of the symptoms and causes of oral cancer, and, as a result, most cases are not diagnosed until at an advanced stage. This is the stage at which treatment is less likely to be successful. In the UK, the number of cases of oral cancer has doubled in the last decade alone, and more young people are being diagnosed with the disease than ever before.

What causes oral cancer?

There are various risk factors that have been identified for oral cancer; smoking and drinking are major risk factors for the disease, with people who do so 40 times more likely to develop the disease than other people. Recently, research studies have indicated that the HPV (human papilloma virus) is also a risk factor. This may be associated with the increase in cases among young people, as HPV can be spread through sexual intercourse. There is also evidence to suggest that a poor diet may increase the risk of oral cancer.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of oral cancer include red or white patches in the mouth, abnormal lumps or swellings in the throat or mouth, and sores that take a long time to heal. It is important to see your dentist or GP as soon as possible if you notice these symptoms, as early treatment can increase the chance of survival by up to 90 percent.

Oral cancer screening in Central Leeds

Patients’ health is our top priority and we offer oral cancer screening checks to detect early warning signs of oral cancer. Early diagnosis is key to the fight against oral cancer and can make the difference between life and death. The screening lasts just a few minutes and there is absolutely no pain involved.

Confronting Oral Cancer in Leeds

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

It is a life-changing event if you are diagnosed with oral cancer, and you will more than likely have many unanswered questions and worries. This is where the battle really begins and you need to rally yourself for the fight and get as much support from family and friends as you can.

The greatest chance you have is if you can catch the problem in its infancy and the general signs can be a repetitive sore throat, sores or constant lumps and ulcers. You know when something is awry in your body and you’d be straight down the doctors if you felt something wrong. Similarly, you should do the same in concerns to your oral health and get to the dentists if something doesn’t feel right in your mouth.

Through a series of tests, the dentist will be able to ascertain if there is an issue, and if so, check you straight in for treatment. Early diagnosis has proved effective, for there is a high recovery rate in Leeds from oral cancer. But the fight doesn’t just stop when you are given the all-clear. You must then sit down and analyse what got you into this pickle in the first place and that means taking a long hard look at your lifestyle leading up to the diagnosis. Did you smoke, eat badly or drink excessively, because those habits will all need to be stopped to ensure that the cancer doesn’t come back.

There are a lot of support groups in place that can help you through this hard time in your life and your dentist can help to point you in the right direction.

The Picture of Oral Cancer in Central Leeds

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The chances of getting through oral cancer are greatly enhanced if it is identified as quickly as possible. The signs to look out for are things like constant jaw, neck and ear aches, repetitive ulcers and sore throats, general lumps in the mouth and cold sores on the lips. The causes however are not always that easy to identify but the disease has been linked to having a poor immune system and diet, over exposure to sunlight and probably the most obvious causes have been linked to smoking and drinking. If these symptoms persist, you should get yourself to your dentist in centralLeedsand express your concerns. A series of tests will be done and if they come back as positive, you will undergo a course of treatments: depending at what stage the cancer is, you will either have actual physical surgery or radio/chemo therapy. Post treatment recovery can be as harsh as the moment you were first diagnosed. But there are some good people out there that will nurse you and comfort you with therapy to get you through. This is also the time you will need you family and friends for support. One creature comfort to draw from if you have been diagnosed is that the percentage of people recovering from the disease is massively on the increase.