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The Importance of good Dental Hygiene in the City of Leeds

It is really hard to believe that we still have to bang on about the virtues of maintaining a good daily dose of dental hygiene in the city of Leeds, but then the facts don’t lie: tooth decay and gum disease in still a major player in ruining your oral health, so you can’t turn your back for a moment, otherwise you are allowing plaque to build up and then turn even nastier down the line. In your bathroom cabinet, you should have the following: a decent brush (that you change regularly), toothpaste, floss and a mouthwash. Now, some dentists say that you should attack your teeth twice a day with these products, but if you think about, it should be every time you eat, because otherwise the bacteria will cling to your teeth and start getting to work before your next cleaning session. Of course, it is pointless to have great products if you don’t use them properly, so practise over and over again until you get it right. This will not only help you maintain a healthy mouth each day, but it will last you for the rest of your life.



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