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Archive for June, 2013

Finding out about everything Dental in Leeds

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

If you really care about your teeth now, and in the future, then you should try and learn about the dental procedures on offer to you in Leeds. The reasoning behind this is so that you can make your own mind up and choose something that you want and how you want it done. In a regular dentist’s surgery, you know the score; there are fillings, scaling, polishing, x-rays but more importantly, a range of anaesthetics you can have to help you through, especially if you are a little squeamish and since you are paying, it’s your right to get involved with your treatment. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, the same rules apply, except certain procedures such as teeth whitening and veneers say, are governed by the state of your teeth, so one won’t work when another will; similarly with tooth loss- what you’d like may well not be suitable for what you need. The best idea is to learn about procedures the best you can, if not from the dentist, then on-line, but before you undergo anything at all, it is always best to sit down with your dentist and go through everything you are about to have done and get yourself involved with the decision making process: it will give you peace of mind in at least that you are making the right choices.


Naughty and Embarrassing Breath in Leeds

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Bad breath is one of those things you need to combat once you are aware that you are a victim of it in Leeds. It has a very nasty side to it because it means that somewhere in your mouth and body, something is certainly not right. You need to seek guidance as soon as you can before the problem worsens, and so call in your dentist and hygienist for some analysis: the dentist will deal with any obvious issues and fix you up: your hygienist will get to grips with giving you a thorough clean but also, will advise you on subjects such as home cleaning, how to tackle any problems you have, help you with diet and then also analyse your lifestyle and tell you directly what not to do. Then it’s down to you. Remember it’s not just down to health issues either, for having bad breath can be very embarrassing: it can affect friendships and start to alienate you from all areas of society; not only will it affect your social circle either. If you are striving to get ahead in the workplace and make a name for yourself, you certainly won’t do it if you have breath problems and it will knock you back in your efforts and ambitions. It can also lead to low self esteem and even depression.


The A to B of Dental Emergencies in the City of Leeds

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

It is easy to panic when things suddenly go wrong in your mouth and when they do, over-react, but then that is human nature. You have the phone number of your dentist, but there should be an emergency number attached to that as well so if you are unsure about what is going on in your mouth, then give it a ring for peace of mind. However, it would be wise to learn about the nature of a dental emergency beforehand and this can be gleaned from your dentist in the city of Leeds, so try and educate yourself. The first thing to do is identify what has happened and then act accordingly: small things like the loss of a veneer or a crown are classed as minor emergencies, so as long as they are not really affecting you, they can wait until you can get seen. An abscess or the loss of a tooth on the other hand is a lot more serious and often require immediate treatment. It may sound very easy to say that you shouldn’t get carried away in the heat of the moment, but you will put your mind at rest if you know how to handle yourself in such a crisis. However, the flip side of this though is that this is your health we are talking about and if you are worried about anything don’t ever feel afraid to make that call to a dentist or even get along to a hospital.


Simple Crown Fitting in Central Leeds

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Quite a few dental treatments in central Leeds incorporate the use of crowns to help restore the look and health of the teeth in the mouth, but yet, once the damaged area has been prepared, fitting the crown is relatively fast and simple. Crowns are used to help restore a damaged tooth or replace one that has been lost: tooth decay can seriously reduce the strength and the size of a tooth and it may take a while to remove all of the infection, but once the area has been readied, the crown will only take a few minutes to fix into place. This is the same with a dental bridge and the fitting of an implant: it is the preparation work that takes the time; the fitting doesn’t take that long at all. It is a painless process and once it is in place, it will not only restore the ambience of the mouth again but also help maintain the mouth’s bite, keeping the occlusion true for the future health of your mouth.


Tips for your Teeth in the City of Leeds

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Oral hygiene is something you should always try to be on top off each day in the city of Leeds and though for some it may be quite daunting, it isn’t that hard to get the hang of it if you persevere. You will obviously have to buy the basics first such as a toothbrush, paste, some floss, maybe inter-dental brushes and a mouthwash, but though it sounds crazy, there are a lot of people using them flippantly and wrongly. You just can’t throw these products at your teeth willy-nilly, you have to practise using them to maximise their effect- and then you are on your way. When you go out, maybe take a brush and mouthwash with you so you are ready for every eventuality. But teeth care isn’t just about the products you use, it is also about your lifestyle too, and so always be aware of what foods and drinks you are putting in your mouth and the damage that they can do. There are other things you can do too to help promote the health of your mouth; by chewing gum, it can help promote the saliva levels in the mouth- the natural enemy of bacteria, as well as helping to remove any food that may be stuck in your mouth or film from the surfaces on your teeth when you are out and about. Finally, stick with your dental appointments because this is just the icing on the cake of keeping your mouth healthy.


Pain, Abscesses and Disease on the streets of Leeds

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Many of the problems that affect your oral health often stem from the lack of poor dental care, although it doesn’t take long for things to run wild in your mouth in Leeds. Plaque is the start of it all: it worms its way into your mouth and then begins its attack on your teeth as soon as your back is turned, but if it is allowed to fester and then grow, it will breed other evils. It hardens into tartar and then suffocates the gums, thus leading to the danger of gum disease developing. Whilst this is going on, it is fighting on other fronts too: soon, tooth decay will start to develop, first with a few caries but then it will get inside and infect the teeth. This will cause a lot of pain, but now the situation hangs on a knife-edge: if nothing is done to clear up the problem now, there is a very real danger that an abscess will develop and this is very dangerous. Dental care isn’t difficult when you look at it on paper, but it is hard to get right in reality, so you have to make sure that you practise it well in order that you fend off these enemies and ensure you always have a happy and healthy mouth.


Dental Hygiene and your Body in Leeds

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

A healthy mouth means a healthy body and if you have great dental hygiene, you should lead healthy life as well. In Leeds, it is of the utmost importance that you try to retain a high level of oral hygiene each day and no matter what it takes- do it. This will involve the products that you go out and buy and the way that you use them: from brush to paste, floss to mouthwash, throw the lot at your teeth and gums each day. You see, what you are trying to stop is an outbreak of plaque because out of this rotten acorn, bad things grow, things such as gum disease, tooth decay and periodontal disease and what you must remember is once any of these get in, they will begin to infiltrate the blood and get passed on around the body. Of course, once you think you have got your dental hygiene on track, it is also good to get a second opinion and your dentist is the person to ask- well they will know anyway (as will you) if they have nothing to do but give you a check-up. Together you and your dentist can keep you’re your mouth free of disease and your body healthy too.


It’s not just about the Teeth with Dentists in Leeds

Monday, June 10th, 2013

It is probably true of most people in Leeds that they see a dentist as a person that probes around in the mouth, makes you flinch occasionally and then inflicts pain on you when things have gone wrong, in order to repair you. There is an element of truth in that, though it is a little harsh really. In reality, a dentist is there to ensure that your teeth and gums are free from decay and disease and will treat you accordingly should you be showing any of these signs. You will be thoroughly cleaned around the teeth and below the gum-line in places you can’t get to, and this will ensure that it backs-up all of what you do at home. But your mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body and if things go wrong here, it can affect the whole of your body. The modern dentist is fully aware of this and can advise just how bad things can get if you don’t care for yourself. They are fully versed on topics such as diet, fitness, lifestyle and phobias you may have about your visits. They can help you to give up smoking and help see that your bad habits don’t get the better of your teeth and body. In essence, you should talk to your dentist about all ranges of topics because its not just about the teeth anymore with dentists, it’s about you as well…and if you just need a cuddle, you may just get one of those as well!


The horrible link between Gum Disease and Diabetes in the City of Leeds

Saturday, June 8th, 2013

Diabetes is a very complex and delicate condition: people with it live a completely different lifestyle to the majority living in the city of Leeds and have to be aware of everything that they do each day: from the food and drink they consume, the way they exercise to the way they sleep, everything has to be balanced in order that their sugar levels are stable. But diabetes also causes a diminished immune system and can affect the saliva levels in the mouth. This is dangerous because without saliva, bacteria can spread and one of the greatest dangers that can come from this is often gum disease, which in turn will spread through the blood and infect the heart. Gum disease in itself has its own agenda; even in a body free of diabetes, it will wreak havoc through the blood and diminish the immune system and guess what, many people who suffer from this also develop diabetes! It is a very harsh merry-go-round and one that is difficult to fight, but if you are on either side of the fence, you must do the utmost you can to fight all of the way, so get as much help and advice you can in order do your best.


The benefits of Getting a Dental Check-up in Central Leeds

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Dental check-ups are an essential ingredient in your life, as important as anything else you do to keep yourself healthy and your life on track. For all of the good work you do at your home in central Leeds with your brushing and your flossing, a check-up is also the perfect opportunity to verify this. Your dentist can have a look around, maybe give you an x-ray and if you get the thumbs-up, you are doing well. The dentist can also give you an extra clean down below the gums followed by a hearty polish to send you on your way: if things have gone astray, then the dentist can mend you. This time together though is not just about your teeth, it is the time to have a talk about all aspects of your life and if you are having concerns, then express them: don’t be afraid to ask questions because it is your life you are talking about- so use the time at a check-up wisely.