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Archive for May, 2015

Give Both Your Mouth and Your Face Some TLC This Summer

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Beautiful young lady smilingIf you’re longing to look your best this summer for an exotic holiday, white wedding or special birthday, we have some amazing treatments on offer. As well as a host of impressive dental delights, we also have facial rejuvenation treatments to make your skin glow this summer.

Dental treatment at City Dental Leeds

We are delighted to offer an array of impressive dental treatments to remedy any potential cosmetic imperfections and we are confident that we can find an incredible solution for every patient. We pride ourselves on producing beautiful smiles and we have an extensive range of treatments and techniques on offer, including:

  • white fillings, crowns and bridges
  • cleaning treatments and stain removal
  • teeth whitening
  • porcelain veneers
  • cosmetic bonding
  • cosmetic braces
  • dental implants

Facial treatments

Many people admit that they would love younger looking skin and with our non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments, we can make wishes come true. Using Botox and dermal fillers, we can combat visible signs of ageing, such as lines and wrinkles, and boost confidence. These temporary treatments reduce the visibility of facial lines and create a smoother, brighter complexion that will make you look and feel younger.

Botox works by preventing muscle contraction in the facial muscles, while fillers soften the skin by adding volume to replace lost collagen. Both procedures are quick, taking just 15-30 minutes and the results are temporary, lasting 3-9 months.

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry or facial aesthetic treatment in the run-up to summer, call now to find out more!

How to Fix Gaps in the Smile

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

2603730_blogIf you have missing teeth, we have a number of effective solutions on offer. Whether you have a single missing tooth or you’re looking for a natural-looking replacement for a whole arch of lost teeth, we will help to restore your smile and build your confidence.

Our tooth replacement treatments

We always advise patients to consider treatment to fill gaps in the smile and we offer a range of modern treatment options including dental bridges, dentures and dental implants. Bridges and implants are popular solutions for single missing teeth, while dentures and implants are a good option for multiple missing teeth.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are a simple, effective and affordable solution for missing teeth. They are generally used to replace a single missing tooth and treatment usually involves 2 sessions around 2-3 weeks apart. Bridges are custom-made for each patient and they can be made from metal or ceramic materials. The most common type of dental bridge, a traditional fixed bridge, is made from a false tooth with a crown on each side to support it. The aim of the bridge is to seamlessly replace the missing tooth. Bridges are not permanent, but they should last for 10-15 years.

Dental implants

Dental implants are the newest solution on the market and they represent a viable option for patients of all ages with different dental needs. Implants are designed to replace the tooth root and they are compatible with dentures, bridges and crowns, so they can be used to replace any number of teeth. Implant treatment takes much longer than other treatments, however this system is designed to last a lifetime and it also offers many benefits, so treatment is well worth the wait. Implants are secured into sockets in the jaw bone and once they have integrated into the bone tissue, they are then ready to be connected to the new restoration. With implants, you can enjoy the same degree of stability and functionality as a healthy natural tooth.


Dentures are a very popular choice for patients who have multiple missing teeth or full arches of lost teeth.They are sets of prosthetic teeth held in place by the natural suction of the gums. With dentures, you can eat and speak as you would with natural teeth and you can also enjoy a beautiful smile. Dentures are custom-made for comfort and modern dentures are aesthetically pleasing.

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Cavities

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

3708143_blogCavities are holes that develop in the tooth surface. They are caused by tooth decay, one of the most common preventable illnesses among children and adults in the UK. If you have cavities or tooth pain, we urge you to get in touch with your dentist and make an appointment. Leaving cavities increases the risk of severe infection and may even lead to tooth loss.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay is caused by harmful bacteria that collect and multiply in the mouth. These bacteria release acids that attack and erode the tooth enamel, eventually wearing holes in the outer layer of the tooth. The most common risk factors for cavities are poor oral hygiene and a diet that contains a lot of sugary and acidic foods.

How can I tell if I have a cavity?

Sometimes it’s possible to feel or see a cavity. You may be able to see the hole in the surface of the tooth, especially if it has become discoloured. You might also feel it when you run your tongue over the surface of the tooth. Other signs of decay include increased sensitivity that manifests itself through pain when the teeth come into contact with hot and cold substances, toothache and a feeling of weakness when you use the tooth.

Why it’s important to treat cavities

If you have cavities, it’s important to get them sorted by your dentist. Once the enamel layer of the tooth has been penetrated, there is a risk of infection spreading through the tooth into the living tissue of the tooth, known as the pulp. It is possible for the pulp to become infected and this may result in severe damage or even loss of the tooth. In this case, it may be possible to save the tooth by means of performing root canal treatment. Decay can also increase the risk of dental abscesses, which are usually very painful.

As with all dental diseases, we believe that prevention is better than cure when it comes to tooth decay and we recommend a good daily oral hygiene routine, regular dental check-ups and steering clear of too many sugary treats!

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Repair Chipped Teeth

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

2904387_blogAt City Dental Leeds, we understand that even the most minor imperfections can knock your confidence when you smile. If you’re troubled by chipped teeth and you long for a flawless smile, we can help. With cosmetic bonding, we can patch up broken and worn teeth in no time, giving you a stunning smile and bags of confidence.

What is cosmetic bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is a restorative treatment that offers amazing aesthetic benefits for patients who have minor cosmetic imperfections such as worn and jagged edges, chipped teeth and gaps between the teeth. This procedure achieves incredible results by using a versatile tooth-coloured material called dental composite. Composite can be used to re-shape and repair the teeth and it comes in an array of shades, so we can match the new structure to your natural tooth extremely closely.

Composite bonding only takes around an hour and it is not an uncomfortable procedure, so you won’t need any anaesthetic. Your dentist will shape the composite to carry out the relevant changes to the shape and size of individual teeth while the composite is soft at room temperature. When they are happy with the result, they will then shine a curing light onto the teeth and this will set the composite, making it firm. Once the composite is hard, your dentist will then carry out any final adjustments and then show you the fruits of their labour. You’ll be amazed at the difference seemingly minor changes can make to the aesthetic of your smile and you’ll feel much more confident when you smile.

Are there any alternatives?

It is also possible to have veneer treatment to repair chips in the teeth. A Veneer is a very thin sheet of tooth-shaped porcelain, placed over the top of the tooth to create a stunning aesthetic. Veneer treatment produces incredible results, but it is much more expensive than bonding and the procedure is more invasive.

If you’d like to find out more about cosmetic bonding, or any of our other fantastic cosmetic treatments, such as veneers or teeth whitening, call us today and make an appointment.

Looking After Your Kids’ Teeth This Summer

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

398467_blogThe summer holidays are fast approaching and what better time to book your child’s dental check-up. If your child is due a check-up or you’re looking for ways to boost their oral health and ensure you keep decay firmly at bay, we are here to help. Here are some simple tips to help you look after your child’s oral health this summer:

Brushing up on oral hygiene at home

Brushing is so important because it helps to clear away harmful bacteria and bits of leftover food, which can combine with saliva to form plaque if left in the mouth. Plaque is the leading cause of decay and regular brushing can dramatically reduce the risk of cavities. Ideally, children should be encouraged to brush twice a day from a very early age.

We know that brushing can be a bit of a battle for many parents and we recommend using children’s oral hygiene products, such as flavoured fluoride toothpaste and brightly coloured brushes, making up games based on brushing and brushing together as a family. If you are one of the many parents that struggle to make their children brush for long enough, why not challenge your child to brush along to their favourite song from start to finish?

Making healthy food choices

Summer holidays are synonymous with sweet treats, barbeques and holidays abroad and it’s a great opportunity to enjoy delicious food and a relaxing time together as a family. However, we encourage you to spare a thought for your child’s teeth. Try to promote healthy eating, get kids involved with making healthy snacks and dishes and make sure that sweet foods such as cakes, sweets and biscuits are treats, rather than staples. Be wary of products that are marketed as healthy alternatives to fizzy pop, such as juices and smoothies, as these sometimes contain as much sugar as fizzy drinks. Encourage children to drink plenty of water and milk, which is a good source of calcium.

Dental visits

The summer holidays are an ideal time to get routine dental checks in without children having to miss valuable classroom time, so why not call us today and book your child’s check-up? We are happy to offer family appointments as well as individual check-ups. Just ask our friendly reception team for more information.


Cerec: Fast Treatment for Long Lasting Results

Saturday, May 9th, 2015

iStock_000005654093SmallWe understand that many of our patients have busy lives and we are always on the lookout for modern treatments that minimise stress, hassle and treatment times. Cerec is a revolutionary form of technology that dramatically reduces the time it takes to complete restorative treatment. With Cerec, we can design, manufacture and place brand new bespoke restorations in just one day!

What is Cerec?

Cerec is a form of technology that enables us to complete every stage of the restorative treatment process in a single day on site. Usually, if you need a new crown for example, your dentist will make an impression of your tooth. The impression then sent away to a dental laboratory before the crown is then made by a dental technician and returned to the clinic around two weeks later. With Cerec, we are able to design, make and fit the new crown in a single treatment session.

Cerec technology takes care of all the key phases of treatment and we can do everything at the clinic, rather than sending impressions away. The first stage of treatment involves taking photographs of the teeth, which are then converted into detailed templates using Cerec. These templates are used to design the bespoke restoration. The designs are then sent to the on-site milling machine, which is responsible for making the restoration. Once this stage is complete, your dentist will then fit the new restoration and you can enjoy your new smile.

The advantages of Cerec

The most obvious advantage of Cerec is the speed of treatment. A process that can take two to three weeks can now be completed in one day. Patients only have to make one appointment, there’s no need for temporary restorations and time in the dental chair is greatly reduced – excellent news for nervous patients. Dentists also have more control over the design stage of treatment and the manufacturing process is more accurate.

If you’re in need of a new crown, inlay, onlays or veneers, call today and you could soon be enjoying the benefits of Cerec for yourself!

How to Identify the Symptoms of Sleep Apnoea

Friday, May 8th, 2015

4443553_blogIf you struggle with breathing difficulties while you sleep, you may have sleep apnoea. This sleep disorder can prevent you and those around from enjoying a good night’s sleep, but help is at hand. Here are some tips to help you recognise the signs and symptoms of sleep apnoea and some treatment options you may wish to consider:

Spotting the signs of sleep apnoea

Sleep apnoea is a disorder that affects your ability to breathe normally when you sleep. It is causes you to become short of breath and results from the airway becoming obstructed. The airway becomes blocked because the muscles in the throat relax. Apnoea is diagnosed when the airway is blocked for 10 seconds or longer.

Sometimes, the symptoms of sleep apnoea are difficult to notice and in many cases they may be spotted by your partner. The most common signs of sleep apnoea include:

  • gasping for breath
  • snoring (often loudly)
  • breathing very heavily
  • interrupted breathing

You may also find that you wake up regularly during the night and you feel tired in the daytime. It’s common for those with sleep apnoea to suffer from tiredness during the day and to wake up feeling like they haven’t had a good night’s sleep. Sleep apnoea may also contribute to a heightened risk of complications including depression, loss of libido, loss of memory and difficulty with concentration.

In severe cases, sleep apnoea can be fatal and it requires treatment. If you think you may have sleep apnoea, you should arrange to see your GP or your dentist.

Treating sleep apnoea

In minor cases of sleep apnoea, you can often reduce or even eliminate symptoms by making lifestyle changes. The main risk factors for sleep apnoea are drinking alcohol, smoking and being overweight. Losing weight by adopting a healthy diet and exercising, avoid alcohol in the evenings and quitting smoking can all make a massive difference to overall health, a swell as sleep apnoea symptoms. We can also provide mandibular advancement devices, which are appliances that keep the airway open by moving the lower jaw forward slightly.

How Does Smoking Affect My Oral Health

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

383291_blogMany people are aware of the link between smoking and general health conditions, such as strokes, respiratory diseases and lung cancer, but have you ever stopped to think how smoking could impact your oral health?

Smoking and oral health

Smoking has negative implications for both general and oral health. Smoking affects the aesthetic of the smile as well as increasing the risk of potentially serious oral diseases.

Smoking and gum disease

Smoking increases your risk of developing gum disease because smokers are prone to plaque development. Plaque is a sticky film made from saliva, food debris and bacteria, which is the main risk factor for gum disease and decay. Smokers are also more likely to develop advanced gum disease, as smoking makes the symptoms worse. This is because smoking reduces blood flow (and subsequently, the transportation of oxygen) to the gums, increasing recovery times and slowing down the healing process.

Smoking and oral cancer

Smoking is a major risk factor for oral cancer, a form of cancer that affects the soft tissue in the mouth and throat. People who smoke are up to five times more likely to develop oral cancer than non-smokers. If you smoke and drink alcohol on a regular basis, this increases to 30 times. Cancer Research UK estimates that 65 percent of cases of oral and pharyngeal cancers are associated with smoking.

Smoking and bad breath

Smoking is one of the most common causes of bad breath, also known as halitosis. It can also contribute to stained teeth, which look unhealthy and unattractive.

Quitting smoking

If you would like advice on how to quit smoking, we would be happy to help. We are here to provide information and offer support and reassurance to help you give up for good. Our dentists and dental hygienists have extensive experience in this field, so why not give us a call and book a consultation?

Spectacular Solutions for Tooth Grinding

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

2445507_blogTooth grinding is a common cause of headaches, jaw pain and tooth wear. If you grind your teeth or you suffer from some of the symptoms listed above, there’s no need to worry. We have some excellent treatment options available to reduce pain, protect the teeth and help you to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Why do I grind my teeth?

Many people grind their teeth without even knowing it and sometimes there is no clear cause. Many cases of bruxism, the medical name for tooth grinding, are associated with anxiety or stress. However, the grinding action may also be caused by loose fillings or crowns, or an uneven bite. The bite is the term used to describe the way the upper and lower arches of teeth fit together when the jaw is closed.

What are the effects of tooth grinding?

Tooth grinding can have various implications for oral and general health. Grinding the teeth can damage the tooth surfaces and  increase the risk of chips and worn edges. There is also a link between symptoms of TMJ disorder and bruxism. The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint that connects the skull to the lower jaw, and symptoms of TMJ disorder include clicking and popping noises when you move the joint, pain in and around the jaw and stiffness. Tooth grinding can also contribute to headaches and migraines.

Spectacular solutions for tooth grinding

We have a number of treatments and therapies that are beneficial for patients who suffer from tooth grinding. The cause usually determines the best course of action and we will examine your teeth and have a chat with you about your symptoms and lifestyle to ascertain why you grind your teeth and how we can help to stop it. In the case of loose fillings and crowns, we can carry out repairs or replacements to prevent tooth grinding in the future. We can also discuss the possibility of orthodontic treatment for those with issues related to the bite.

We also provide custom-made bite guards, which are similar to mouth guards, to prevent tooth grinding. These guards sit in place during the night and they help to prevent damage by eliminating physical contact between the top and bottom teeth.

If you grind your teeth, there’s no need to suffer in silence – we are here to help!

Why Root Canal is Nothing to Worry About

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

585811_blogWhen it comes to dental anxiety, root canal treatment is right up there with the most nerve-wracking experiences for many anxious patients. But what exactly is root canal treatment and why are people so worried about it? The truth is that root canal treatment is really nothing to worry about and at City Dental Leeds we promise you’re in the safest possible hands. This routine procedure is used to treat dental infections and it can often make the difference between saving and losing a tooth.

What exactly is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is the dental procedure often called into action when a tooth is infected and the infection has reached the pulp. The pulp is the living tissue of the tooth and it contains the nerves and blood vessels. If the pulp becomes infected, blood supply to the tooth can be disrupted and reduced and this eventually causes the tooth to die. Root canal treatment removes the decayed pulp tissue and prevents the infection from spreading any further.

The actual procedure involves drilling into the tooth and removing any decayed tissue from the root canals. The root canals are cleared of damaged tissue and cleaned to remove any traces of harmful bacteria. When the root canals are completely clean, they are then filled with a dental material called gutta percha and sealed. This helps to prevent the spread of infection.

Is root canal treatment painful?

Many people automatically assume that root canal treatment is going to be painful. However, it is carried out under local anaesthetic, so in reality you actually won’t feel much at all. Your dentist will only begin to drill into the tooth once the anaesthetic has taken effect and the tooth is numb.

We understand that for many patients, any kind of dental treatment can be a scary prospect, but we can assure you that you’re in the best hands. Our dental team has experience in caring for patients who suffer with anxiety and dental phobia and we always strive to do everything possible to make you feel comfortable and ensure that treatment goes smoothly.

What happens after root canal treatment?

After root canal treatment, your mouth will feel numb for a short period of time. After a while, the sensation will start to come back and you may experience some discomfort. If this is the case, we recommend taking over the counter pain relief medication. In many cases, we like to fit a new crown after root canal treatment, as this helps to protect and strengthen the tooth further. This usually involves placing a temporary crown and then fitting a permanent restoration two weeks later.