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Ask your Leeds dentist about teeth whitening and get the perfect smile

Who wouldn’t want the perfect smile? Being able to smile with pride allows you to relax in social situations, put people at ease and make friends. But so many of us have dull or stained teeth: an unavoidable fact of life as we get older. Drinking tea, coffee, cola, red wine and smoking tobacco can all, over time, cause your teeth to become stained and you might that you are hiding your smile.
Thankfully there is a wide variety of teeth whitening procedures available to sort this out. You can buy teeth whitening kits from many supermarkets and pharmacies. These kits usually comprise special gel and trays which fit over your teeth. The gel needs to be placed into the trays which are worn in your mouth, usually over night. These kits are convenient because you administer it yourself and no visits to the dentist are required. They are also usually relatively affordable.
Many people prefer dentists to be in charge of their teeth whitening procedure. The procedures are quite similar to those involved with over-the-counter kits but one difference is that your dentist will fabricate the trays in the same manner that a brace would be made, by taking moulds of your teeth, or digital x-rays. In this way, the trays are specially fitted for the unique shape of your mouth. Another difference is that your dentist might subject your teeth to some buffing and polishing to maximise the effects of the whitening.
If you have a wedding coming up or a holiday and you want to look your best, ask your Leeds dentist about the various methods of teeth whitening which are on offer. They will be able to advise you about which is best for you.

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