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Archive for the ‘tmj’ Category

Serious Cases of Malocclusion Have to Be Corrected, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Malocclusion occurs when the top and bottom rows of teeth do not fit well against each other. According to a City of Leeds dentist, this is a very common occurrence and most people have it to some extent. It is hardly perceptible in most people and in these cases it does not even cause a problem. Some people whose jaws are badly aligned have to face a lot of problems.
Most people who have malocclusion, which is known as a bad bite, don’t even know that this is the cause of the aches they have in their heads, necks and shoulders. They can even suffer from buzzing sounds in their ears and also from sinus problems. This entire range of problems happens because the jaw has to work extra hard in order to complete its normal activities. This condition can also cause the teeth to get worn down and for them to crack or break.
This ailment underscores the need for a regular dental check up schedule. Only a good dentist will be able to put all the pieces together and identify the cause of these varied symptoms. This problem needs to be looked into immediately so that it does not worsen and thereby require more medical attention.
There is a lot that a dentist can do to fix this problem, starting with removing certain teeth in order to change the bite. The dentist can also adjust other teeth in order to make the two sets of teeth fit well.

Your Headaches Could Be Caused By TMJ (Jaw Point) Problems, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

Anybody suffering from TMJ (jaw point) problems will soon realize that their pain is not limited to the jaws. This disease is caused by problems in the jaws as a result of which the muscles have to work extra hard in order to do regular activities like chewing or talking. It results in pain in the head, the neck and even in the shoulders.
According to a very well known dentist in the City of Leeds, most people don’t even realize they have a serious problem with their jaws. They keep looking for a cure for their headaches and for other related symptoms such as buzzing in the ears or a sinusitis problem that never seems to go away.
If a person suffering from TMJ (Jaw Point) problems has a practice of getting regular dental checkups, this problem will be brought to the forefront immediately. An experienced dentist will be able to correlate the headaches and other symptoms with teeth that have been ground down considerably although this is not necessarily a symptom for jaw problems. Most people don’t realize it, but even sitting badly at a computer can hurt the jaw.
In conclusion, you should never give up the search for what is causing your headaches. If untreated, problems if the jaw will only get worse and you will have a difficult time trying to lead a normal life. A trip to a good dentist is absolutely necessary so that you can find a solution to your jaw problems.