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Dental implants are realistic, stable and secure, say dentists in the City of Leeds

If you have lost a tooth or teeth, you will have to get them replaced otherwise your mouth will not function as well as it should. The only decision is which method you will choose to do so and here you will have a degree of choice. Large scale tooth loss is commonly solved with dentures which come in full or partial sets. An affordable option for single tooth loss that relies on the health of surrounding teeth is dental bridge work. Many people though are opting for dental implants and the process has a number of advantages.
What dental implants involve is the placing of a device which is essentially a socket beneath the gum. This socket is then used as the foundation for a replacement tooth to be held in. Dentists can carry out this surgery in a single day to install the implant beneath the gum. Local anaesthetic is used and a temporary replacement tooth is placed in the implant. Your dentist will need to monitor the area to check that it is healing well before the permanent replacement can be placed. This might take about six to nine months.
The advantage of the dental implant method is that the implant is housed so securely in the mouth. Made from the metal titanium, the implant will fuse with the bone (osseointegration) and leave the tooth with a stable foundation for many, many years.
Ask your dentist in the City of Leeds and they will be able to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.

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