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Dreaming of death: Sleep Apnea in Central Leeds

There are some conditions in your mouth that are very obvious, come with instantly recognisable symptoms and hence, are easy to treat. Then there are some which are not so obvious and if left to carry on operating, will kill you in the end. One such killer is sleep apnea and the reason this is so difficult to identify at first is because it operates whilst you sleep. The people most likely to suffer from this in central Leeds are those whose have breathing problems; obese people for example, those who drink and smoke heavily, or people who have suffered from a heart condition or have had damage to their nervous system at some point in their lives. You see, when you go to sleep at night, you are at the mercy of your brain, heart and lungs and these three will work together to ensure you are taking enough air in to keep your system up and running. The brain sends signals through the nervous system for you to breathe and take air into your lungs. This oxygen is then pumped through your body, via your bloodstream, by your heart so that the cycle can start again. Block anyone of these however and the system starts to panic: each part of the cycle has to work harder and it places immense stress on your heart to keep going, which it won’t if it doesn’t have a regular supply of oxygen getting to it. This is sleep apnea and it can actually stop you breathing for up to 30 seconds at a time, causing incredible damage throughout. The only signs of it are tremendous fatigue throughout the day, and this breathing problem will also manifest itself in the way you breathe daily as well. You should ask your doctor for advice on sleep apnea if you feel that you may be at risk from it.

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