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Grinding yourself into trouble in Leeds

2839654_blogThere are many issues in your mouth that can affect the health of your teeth, gums and body; the main obvious players are plaque, tooth decay and gum disease- but there are also other sinister beasties at work, one being teeth grinding. In a busy city like Leeds, the demands put on you can lead to stress and if you don’t leave this on the streets when you go home at night, you can take these stresses to bed with you and without knowing it, you will be grinding your teeth in your sleep. The early signs to look for are fatigue in the mornings and aching jaws; your dentist will also pick up on the wear and tear on your teeth and fit you out with a mouth-guard to prevent further destruction. However, this is not the core of the problem; the stress will remain, as will the grinding process. If this doesn’t stop, you will damage your jaws joints, cause problems throughout your head, and wreck your neck and upper back. Addressing what the causes of teeth grinding are will take some form of therapy to analyse what is behind the stress and once you have identified the problem, then you need to embark on a course of curing it. Teeth grinding is a very dangerous and destructive condition and it is essential you do something about it- fast.

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