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Guard against periodontal disease with City of Leeds dentists

Taking care of your teeth ought to go hand in hand with looking after your gums as well. The sad fact is that all too often gum problems go unnoticed and are actually a greater cause of tooth loss than dental decay itself. In conjunction with regular visits to your City of Leeds dentist, you should be able to recognise the signs of periodontal disease so that it can be treated before it gets worse.
Gum disease generally is caused by a build up plaque on the gum line of teeth. Plaque is formed when you eat and drink, particularly sugary and starchy substances. It can cause the gums to become inflamed and patients can then contract gingivitis, the most common form of gum disease. Gingivitis shows itself as sensitivity in the gums and reddening.
If gingivitis is allowed to take hold then the inflammation, previously confined to the gums, spreads to the bones which hold your teeth in place. This is called periodontitis and it is a rather nasty condition. Periodontitis manifests itself with sever reddening of the gums and the appearance that your teeth are lengthening. This is actually where your gums are receding. You might find that you have odd, metallic tastes in your mouth and find that eating and drinking is giving you pain because of the sensitivity of your gums.
Brushing and flossing as recommended ought to be enough to stave off periodontal disease in most cases by clearing the mouth of plaque but sometimes it develops. This is one of the many reasons why it is a good idea to get into the habit of visiting your City of Leeds dentist every six months. In that way a professional can monitor your mouth and spot the early signs of periodontal disease and treat it.

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