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How Central Leeds deals with Missing Teeth

Very many things can crop up with your teeth and at some point in your adult life in central Leeds you may suffer from tooth-loss. Now although this can be a big shock for some people, it is important to get clarity on the situation and think about replacing a missing tooth or two. One area you may well like to consider is the idea of partial dentures. This is probably the cheapest option available to you, but that by no-means impugns how good they are. Modern denture look very natural and they are easy to manage as well. For something a little more permanent, you can opt for a dental bridge- reliable and strong, and they will give a lot of support to the teeth that remain in your mouth. But the most permanent option on the market is to have a dental implant screwed into your jaw and then have a crown attached to it. It all comes down to price and personal preference but you would be wise to explore your options with your dentist before you settle on a choice.



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