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How Smoking can cause Gum Disease in Leeds

Smoking is that little devil that is so easy to sell your soul to in Leeds; it still has that element of a ‘cool’ thing to do, especially if you are young- it’s a sign that you are growing up. Okay, if you think that way, that’s fine, but if you take a long term projection, you should also bear in mind the dangers you are exposing your teeth too. Smoking has a nasty habit of drying out your mouth which in turn, leaves your mouth vulnerable to the build up of plaque and tooth decay- from this of course comes one of the greatest dangers to your mouth- gum disease. This can destroy your gums and teeth very quickly and again, if you look into the future, your body’s organs as well. There is nothing wrong about being brash and indestructible and doing what you please, but everything should be done in moderation because you will only have to pay for it in the long term and the when gum disease sets in, to recover from it is going to take some very drastic measures and hurt your bank account as well. It’s a very frightening scenario so if you really need to find a solution- try spending money on giving up the cigs.


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