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How to deal with a Dental Emergency in Leeds

It’s quite important for people to understand the difference between a silly mistake and a full blown emergency and in Leeds, it’s quite shocking to still find the emergency services being called up for the most trivial of reasons- so too with a dental emergency. Most dentists will have a hot-line you can call if you think you have a problem, but there is a difference between what is just a loss of a veneer of a chip to the tooth to having an abscess- which can be life threatening. Most problems in the mouth you can put up with until you can get to see your dentist by taking a few pills- chips that can cause lacerations to the tongue and gums, the loss of a filling or a veneer or a crown are not the end of the world and with a bit of common sense, can be dealt with at home until your dentist is free. Tooth loss through injury however can be slightly more serious as the rest of the mouth can quickly become infected and the rest of the teeth can suffer. Inflammations to the gums and teeth are also semi-important because they indicate you may have a problem with tooth decay and gum disease which needs to be checked out as soon as is possible. But out of these can come the biggest threat- an abscess. This should never be undermined and if your face begins to swell, it indicates that your blood stream has already started to be poisoned. This has been known to be life threatening in some cases- if you can’t find a dentist, find a hospital. Generally your dentist will be able to advise you on the scenarios surrounding dental emergencies and how to act accordingly should a problem arise.


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