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How Your Teeth affects your Body in the City of Leeds

Teeth and body, body and teeth- all of the parts that build up body’s constitution bounce of each other so if you keep your body healthy in the city of Leeds, you will keep your teeth healthy too. A good diet will keep everything functioning as it should, your immune system will be strong, and this will be reflected in your teeth and your smile. However, start abusing your body and you start putting your teeth at risk. It’s a vicious circle- bad food in, bad body, back into the mouth and bad teeth. More disturbingly, if your mouth develops gum disease, this can then start poisoning the blood, that flows into the heart and other organs and after time, they will lose the will to fight. Gum disease has also been linked to osteoporosis and diabetes that will then turn around and affect the mouth again. Getting the message? Another damaging health link between the body and the teeth is that of bruxism or teeth grinding. If you suffer from this condition, you are not only damaging the jaw joint, but effectively, promoting problems such and ear and headaches, neck damage and complications in the upper back. The body is a compact, complex and complete unit and each part of it relies on the other parts to function. Keep your mouth healthy and watch what you put in it, and your body will react accordingly.

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