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Leeds dentists have all the answers to patients’ questions about over the counter teeth whitening

If you are planning for that big wedding or have an important party or conference coming up, you might be concerned about the way your teeth are looking at the moment. It is probably not that you haven’t been taking care of them properly, the fact is that over time teeth become more dull in their colour and can take on stains thanks to activities such as drinking tea and coffee or red wine and smoking tobacco.
There are a number of ways you can deal with the discolouration of your teeth. Many people like to go to the dentist and have them administer a process of teeth whitening which might involve special lights and procedures like buffing and polishing. These techniques can yield spectacular results but some people prefer to whiten their teeth at home, in their own time.
Over the counter teeth whitening kits are available in many super markets and pharmacies around the country or can be purchased over the internet and delivered to your door for extra convenience. They usually consist of whitening trays which you fill with a special gel and wear on your teeth at night for a certain period of time.
They are efficient, affordable and the results can be just as amazing as those you get from the dentist. The disadvantage is that the trays are ‘one size fits all’ so you might not get a good fit for your mouth, leaving the gel unable to work quite as well as it could. If your dentist is in charge they will tailor make your trays from moulds of your teeth but this will involve more time at the surgery.
Talk to your Leeds dentist to get more useful information about over the counter teeth whitening kits.

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