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Leeds dentists now able to straighten teeth with a product that is virtually invisible: Invisalign

Straightening out your teeth is a decision that is worth taking because it will make your smile look far better and leave your mouth in a healthier state. But which one of the many options should you choose? There is a number of options available at United Kingdom dental surgeries and the decision can be a difficult one to make.
An increasingly popular option for patients with minor alignment issue is the revolutionary treatment on offer with Invisalign. It is a new way of thinking about teeth straightening and it avoids some of the aspects of traditional metal braces that have been frankly unpopular over the years.
The traditional metal brace is a very effective way of straightening out teeth but it needs to be worn for quite a long time (often several years), it is not removable and it doesn’t look very good. Invisalign avoids these problems by working in a different way altogether.
Instead of using a system of metal brackets and wires which are attached to the teeth, Invisalign is constructed of a clear, plastic material and is worn in a similar manner to a mouth guard. Your dentist will make your Invisalign brace in such a way that it moves your teeth in the desired position. Once the first Invisalign has done its work then your dentist will simply replace it with a new one that will continue the process.
As such the Invisalign brace is completely removable, just as long as it is worn for twenty two hours every day. Many patients like to take Invisalign out at meal times so that eating is easier. Ask your dentist in Leeds if they are registered with Invisalign and make the decision to straighten out your teeth once and for all.


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