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Looking after your Heart through Oral Hygiene in Leeds

It took a long time for dentists and dentists to draw a link between oral hygiene and heart problems, but they got there in the end and it is one of the most important connections that have ever been made. One of the most important things you should try to do everyday in Leeds is to maintain a high level of oral hygiene at home and visit your dentist on a regular basis. Between the pair of you, you’ll be trying to stave off gum disease and plaque- primarily to keep the whole of your mouth healthy from disease and there is a very important reason for this; gum disease, if left unattended can start to leak poisons into the blood. As the blood and poison is pumped around the body, it will start to infect and, affect the major organs- especially the heart. Over time, the heart will weaken and in the end, fail. Ensuring that you keep your mouth healthy with regular brushing, flossing and mouthwashes, plus with the back-up of your dentist, should ensure that gum disease is kept in check and in the long term, keep your heart free from disease.

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