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‘Looking good!’ Leeds and Lumineers

4756357_blogWe all know that things can go wrong in the mouth over time and the smile can diminish as the years go by; teeth lose their colour, they become gapped and worn down. But if your smile is very important to you in Leeds, then you need to do something about it and a way of getting around all of this damage is to have it all hidden away behind Lumineers. These are delicate and wafer-thin little porcelain plates that will solve your problems. They aren’t as brutal as full veneers because they don’t involve the removal of the teeth’s enamel. Once your teeth have been measured up by a few moulds being taken, then the Lumineers can be knocked-up in a lab and once done and they arrive back with your dentists, it is just a simple task of planting these beauties straight onto the front of your teeth with cement and once in, your teeth will look phenomenal and all of your problems before will be neatly tucked away behind.

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