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Removing the Shame with Veneers in the City of Leeds

Some of us can get through life rather unscathed in the city ofLeedsbut some cannot and as Father Time can start to highlight certain cracks in our youth- that and the endless fun years of partying and one of the many casualties are our teeth. They get worn down and tired and can discolor. Cracks can start to appear in the enamel and the gums can start to recede and that is the moment you can start to feel ‘older’ and dare it be said, rather embarrassed at the way you smile. Well stop moping in your own shame and loss of grin, get down to the dentist and have a veneer makeover, because oh boy, once this treatment has been done, you’ll be clubbing again in no time. Resin veneers are quick and can be applied in one sitting- it is all about building up layers of resin and then sculpturing your teeth to a thing of beauty, but why get a Cadillac when you can get a Rolls Royce. Porcelain veneers are more durable that resin ones, lasting up to 20 years. Once bonded onto the tooth they are pure ‘red carpet’ in their look. They look glamour, you smile glamour and you talk glamour. Veneers are the perfect way of covering up all those sins and turning your life completely around in weeks from zero to hero. Ask your dentist next time you’re in.

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