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Ridding yourself of Oral shame with Veneers in Central Leeds

If your teeth are in pretty bad shape, it’s probably your own fault to some extent for not looking after them. But we do put our teeth through the grinder and against all we try to do, they will suffer in the end in some form. So if the state of your teeth is starting to get you down a bit, why don’t you cover up the shame with a veneer? This very flamboyant treatment can hide all the things you hate most about your teeth- their color, the cracks, the wear and that annoying hint of receding gums. Ask your dentist about this treatment, because it’s a winner and when you’re good to go, all you have to do first is to go and get yourself measured up. This involves removing the enamel of the tooth and then having impressions taken of your teeth, so they can then be sent to a lab for your veneers to be knocked up. Until they get back in the post, you will be fitted with temporary ones. It only takes a couple of weeks on average and when they return, the dentist will remove the temps and cement your spangling new veneers into position and set the cement with a heat lamp. The only thing you have to contend with once this is done is the shock when you see how beautiful your teeth look and if you look after them and behave yourself, these gems should last you around 10-15 years.


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