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Solving the problem of tooth loss: Dental Bridges in Central Leeds

There are several ways you can solve the problem of tooth loss in central Leeds and you need to as well to maintain your oral health. Losing a tooth can leave you vulnerable to infection; your other teeth could start to move and this could begin to affect the occlusion or bite and put unnecessary stress on your jaw joints. On top of this, your smile will be affected as well. Dental bridges have been around for years now and offer one of the most secure ways to overcome tooth loss. They have however evolved quite considerably over the years and the main reason for this has been the introduction of the mini dental implant into the mix. Some bridges used to be bonded to surrounding teeth with wires and resin, though these have rather taken a back seat as the implant has started to be used. The more prestigious bridge is used to replace a tooth that has been lost among a line of teeth; it is a new tooth bonded between two crowns. Then the crowns are cemented onto the two prepared teeth that sit either side of the gap. This can also be used to replace several teeth but it will require anchoring in the middle with an implant. This style of bridge can be used in different incarnations depending on where the tooth/teeth have gone missing, but it always has the implant to fall back on for strength making it one of the most durable answers to tooth loss that you can buy.

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