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Posts Tagged ‘Composite bonding’

Lovely Cosmetic Bonding in Leeds

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

18625010You may well think you are doing the best you can to look after your teeth, but accidents can happen- you may chip a tooth or two. Time is also an enemy to your smile and your teeth may become dreary over the years. However, cosmetic dentistry has all the answers to your problems if they crop up and one of the quickest, cheapest and painless ways of putting that grin back in Leeds is to pop into the dentists for some cosmetic bonding. It will take no time at all: your dentist will cover up your tragedies with layers of resin before shaping the finished article and then polishing you up, all within the hour and that is it- that easy. It is also a versatile little treatment which you can go back for again and again if it starts to show signs of wear and tear in the future- which may well happen because it does have its limitations and is a tad susceptible to staining. But hey, it will make you look like a star- what more can you ask for?

Fixing Your Smile with Dental Bonding in the City of Leeds

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

There is no worse a feeling in the city of Leeds than when you are trying to get on with what you are doing, yet some part of your image is letting you down- especially if it’s your teeth. Unsightly teeth can not only interfere with the way you smile or talk, but they can also stop you from fully expressing yourself. One of the ways to overcome the problem is to get your teeth fixed and if you are in a bit of a rush, there is no better ‘touch-up’ technique than dental bonding. Not only is it quick, you can be in and out of the chair in an hour, but it can cover up all of your dental problems. It is a very versatile and durable treatment that uses resins to cover up such issues and cracks, gaps and discolouration in the teeth. Once you sit down, your teeth will be prepared with a clean so that the dentist can lay the first layer of resin on your teeth, which is then ‘cured’ with a heat lamp. Then the process is repeated over again until all the problems have been eradicated- now the dentist can finish the process by sculpturing the teeth into the desired shape. Bonding is durable and last you many years with care, but it is susceptible to staining from rich foods and drinks and smoking. But the beauty of this treatment is that if you have problems in the future, you can simply have the problem touched up again.



Why Choose Cosmetic Bonding in Central Leeds?

Friday, March 30th, 2012

There are a myriad of ways to keep your teeth looking at their best and ensure you get the best smile you can in central Leeds.

A lot of your choices can come down to time and money so it would be wise to weigh up all the options before making a decision.

One of the more ‘no-frills’ techniques is cosmetic bonding, which is simple, extremely quick and cheap to boot and although not as long lasting as other treatments, it is very effective. Cosmetic bonding is a great way to plug gaps and cracks, and get rid of discoloration in the teeth.

The reason it is so versatile is because of the nature of the process. Cosmetic bonding involves the use of resins that are layered over and over again on the surface of the teeth and then sculptured into shape to get the desired results.

The resin can be coloured to fit in with the rest of your teeth and you can be in and out of the dentist within the hour. If it has a problem, it’s because the resin is porous and absorbs stains; however, the beauty of bonding is that you can pop back into the dentists and just have the teeth touched up again, unlike a veneer that would have to be replaced if damaged in any way.

And even better for the more timid amongst you- the process is completely pain-free and so is definitely a choice to consider.