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Posts Tagged ‘Dental bridge Leeds’

The ‘Darling’ Dental Bridge in Leeds

Friday, May 4th, 2012

If you have been unlucky enough to have lost a tooth or a couple of teeth recently in Leeds, it can be quite a traumatic and stressful time, for a lot of people will consider that with those teeth have gone their looks, and with their looks has gone their life. But not only is there the vanity drama, there are knock-on health issues to consider as well; where the teeth have been lost, other teeth can start to move and it’s during this period that the mouth is vulnerable to all sorts of infection. The best way to avoid these complications, and keep your looks, is to fill the gap with a replacement and one of the ‘darlings’ on the market right now is the dental bridge. Its success can be found in its longevity- it’s been around for years. These can be made to look very realistic and fit in with the rest of the remaining teeth- they are durable and reliable, giving you a good 20 years of action. They are simply bonded onto the teeth that remain by, if its fitted to a single tooth, wires and resin, or if the lost tooth is between a line, cemented to two adjacent teeth via crowns. Some of modern materials such as zirconia used in the making of these bridges look incredibly natural and are very strong, which gives them their popularity and durability. Once you have had one fitted, you will have to learn a few new techniques on how to clean it, for bridges can be quite tricky at first, but once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be smiling once more.

Repairing Smiles in Leeds with the Help of Dental Bridges

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a type of restoration that replaces missing teeth. A bridge is made of a fake tooth, called a pontic, which is fused to two crowns and connected to the adjoining teeth.

Why do missing teeth need replacing?

It is always advisable to substitute missing teeth because gaps can lead to an increased risk of dental diseases. These include decay and gum disease, and missing teeth can also have a negative effect on the aesthetics of the smile. People who have gaps in their smile often feel self-conscious when they open their mouths and this can affect the way they behave around others. Gaps can also affect speech and the ability to chew food properly.

Models of dental bridge

The most common type is a conventional fixed bridge, which is usually used if healthy teeth are on either side of the gap. It is anchored to the adjacent teeth and put into position. A Maryland bridge is often used when the gap is at the front of the mouth and there are strong teeth on both sides of the missing tooth. A cantilever bridge is a treatment option when healthy teeth are present on a single side of the gap. The fake tooth is attached on either one or two teeth at a single side of the missing tooth.

Dental bridges in Leeds

If you have a missing tooth, a dental bridge could be the perfect solution. We provide clients custom-made bridges, which are strong, durable and will restore full function to the mouth. They also create an attractive aesthetics. The procedure to fit a bridge is simple, painless and often no anaesthetic is required. If you look after the bridge well, it should last up to 15 years.