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Posts Tagged ‘Smile Makeover’

Leeds Dentist Is an Expert in Bridge Treatment to Repair Gaps in Teeth

Friday, August 13th, 2010

When you have gaps in your teeth, you can suffer from more than an awkward appearance, although there is no doubt at all that your looks will suffer greatly as a result of it. A small gap in your teeth is still manageable, but when you have a few teeth missing, you definitely need the help of a good dentist. The gaps in your teeth will cause the remaining teeth to rotate, or they might even shift slightly in order to fill up the empty space, resulting in worse problems than you had before. You will very likely have a bad bite, and in worst cases you will also have diseases of the gum and the jaw.
If you live in Leeds, you can avail of the services of the best dentists since there are a few world class dental facilities situated there. Your dentist will be able to replace the missing teeth by using an artificial device called a bridge. They are cemented into place using the teeth next to the gap for support, and an artificial tooth is fixed there.
If the gap in your teeth is right in front of your face, then you need to use an artificial tooth of more expensive material such as porcelain since that will give you a very good appearance. This will also cost more, but it will be worth the expenditure since it will be really lifelike. Have a good talk with your dentist so you can decide on the best course of treatment.

Experience the benefits of dental implants at City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

A dental implant is a restorative procedure aimed at restoring the cosmetic and functional appearance of a missing tooth or teeth. The implant itself is a small titanium screw (used because this is one the few metals suitable for use in the human body), which is secured directly into the jawbone. This is then left to fuse with the surrounding tissue in a process called osseointergration, which usually takes a number of weeks to a month. Once set firm, the implant is then used as a base for a post and artificial tooth or teeth.

There are a number of other restorative dental procedures, such as dental bridges and partial dentures but more and more dentists and patients are opting for a dental implant because of the distinct advantages it has over the other substitutes. But just what are these advantages that makes the dental implant so much better than other restorations?

Well firstly, the dental implant is the only restoration that replaces the whole of the tooth from root to crown. The implant is anchored into the jawbone in the same way a tooth root is secured. This provides a very stable base and one that will never fall out, break or come loose as it is attached directly to the bone and gum tissue. Dental bridges and partial dentures only replace the crown of the tooth, namely the part that can be seen above the gum line. This means that although attached by crowns and plates, these are often susceptible to breaking and never feel completely secure.

Implants are also the most realistic replacements in terms of both appearance and feel. Because they replace the root, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between an implant and a real tooth. They also look more realistic as the crown can be chosen to match the colour and shape of the existing teeth. Visit a City of Leeds dentist to find out more about the benefits of dental implants.

Create the perfect smile with a smile makeover from a city of Leeds dentist

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

A smile makeover is when a series of cosmetic dentistry procedures are carried out either simultaneously or in succession to improve the appearance of a smile. Smile makeovers are becoming increasingly popular because many patients find it frustrating to have one procedure carried out, such as whitening, only for their teeth to be crooked or uneven. The key to a beautiful smile is a healthy, white and even teeth and all of these can be achieved but often with more than one treatment.

Smile makeovers begin with a consultation with a dentist. You will discuss exactly what it is you would like from your smile and your dentist will outline possible methods to achieve this. This is often called a smile plan and will often involve teeth whitening, orthodontic straightening, repair to any damages and even possibly veneers.

It may seem that teeth straightening is quite a long-term goal for a smile plan, but with the advent of modern straighteners such as the Inman aligner and the Six Month Smile treatment, it is now possible to straighten teeth in a matter of a few months. These braces can often be worn at the same time as veneers and other cosmetic dentistry tools. It is also possible to have braces fitted with whitening treatments to kill two birds with one stone.

The cost of a smile makeover from a City of Leeds dentist varies according to the extent of treatment needed but there are treatments available to improve the smile of even those with smaller budgets. The results achievable with a smile makeover are incredible so why not ask your dentist what could be possible for your smile.

Achieve the perfect smile with a smile makeover from a Leeds dentist

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Smiling is one of the most important communication methods we have. More important than any other physical or verbal gesture in making others feel comfortable and welcome. It is also fundamental in forming romantic, platonic and professional relationships. For people who are ashamed of their teeth smiling can be repressed for fear of being embarrassed. Everyone dreams of having the perfect beaming smile with straight white teeth and for those who fall short of this ideal it can be a source of great anxiety.

There are options for those who want to regain the self-confidence that comes from having a winning smile. By having a variety of cosmetic procedures performed simultaneously, patients are increasingly opting for what has become known as a ‘smile makeover’. After all, if you can makeover a house or a wardrobe why can’t you do it with a smile that goes everywhere with you.

If you decide to have a smile makeover you can discuss your ideas with a Leeds dentist. Together you will be able to draw up a smile blueprint and the dentist can inform you which procedures will be required to achieve the desired effect. This is likely to include dental bonding, veneers and whitening amongst other procedures. Some processes may not be suitable for some patients but with the advancements made in dental technology there is very little a cosmetic dentist will not be able to achieve with your teeth. Some smile makeovers will also be able to favourably enhance your profile, especially if it involves replacing missing teeth.

Using the very latest in 3D imaging the dentist will be able to show you a projection of your existing teeth and what changes need to be made. Any dental flaws such as cracked teeth or cavities will be fixed or crowned and discolouration bleached and whitened. There really is little to stand in the way of you and your perfect smile.