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Take Your TMJ Troubles To A City Leeds Dentists

3520145_blogThe TMJ, temporomandibular joint, is one of the most heavily used joints in the human body. It plays an important role in allowing you to carry out lots of functions and actions, including chewing and biting, opening your mouth to speak, yawn and cough and moving your jaw from side to side. You can feel the joint, which connects the skull to your lower jaw working when you hold your fingers in front of your ear lobes on the side of your face and then you move to open and then to close your mouth.

TMJ disorder is a term used to describe pain in and around the joint. There are many possible causes of TMJ disorder and sometimes, there are dental solutions. In these cases, our amazing dentists can help to ease pain and increase mobility and flexibility in the joint.

Causes of TMJ disorder

One of the main causes of TMJ disorder is teeth grinding, which is known as bruxism. This is a common problem, which many people are unaware affects them because it tends to be a subconscious action, which occurs during the night. Bruxism occurs when the teeth rub together; it can cause damage to the teeth, but it can also contribute to symptoms of TMJ disorder, which include headaches, earache, shoulder and neck pain and migraines, as well as stiffness in the jaw.

If you have any of these symptoms or you hear clicking or popping noises when you move your jaw, we may be able to help you.

How we can help

If you grind your teeth, we are able to provide custom-made guards, which are worn at night, to protect your teeth and lower the risk of waking up with painful aches. The guards are similar to mouth guards, which are worn for sport, and they help to prevent contact between the top and bottom of arches during the night. They are bespoke so they should fit perfectly and you should be able to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

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