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Teeth Grinding and How to Stop it, from a Central Leeds Dentist

Bruxism is the clinical name for the condition commonly referred to as ‘tooth grinding’. It is a problem that no doubt effects many of us from time to time, but how many of us are aware that we are grinding our teeth in our sleep?

Nocturnal teeth grinding is actually as common as snoring, but can have damaging effects on not just your teeth but also the surrounding framework, including your skull. It is common is adults as well as children and has been attributed mainly to high levels of stress.

Symptoms of tooth grinding include flattened teeth, noticeable cracks and chipped teeth. However, if you are not sure if you are suffering from sleep grinding, you can visit your local dentist in Central Leeds who will be able to diagnose you straight away.

Combating nocturnal grinding usual takes the form of a night mouth guard, provided by your dentist. This is when the grinding is due to the simple alignment of the teeth, that they lie in such a way as to grind upon each other as the jaw naturally moves slightly during sleep. However, if your dentist is concerned that stress is the main reason behind your unconscious habit, they are likely to refer you to a psychiatrist in an attempt to discover and cure the root cause of the problem.

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