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The Crowning Glory for Your Teeth in Central Leeds

Tooth decay is one of those things that is going to be around as long as Central Leeds will be, as it is so difficult to battle against and whatever fantastic products you through at it, it will break through your line of defence at some time. It slowly eats away at the tooth’s enamel and when it gets inside, you will be lucky to get away with a filling or a root canal but if it is allowed to continue, you will suffer from tooth loss. In the case of a root canal, you will have to have a partial crown fitted once the decay has been removed, to restore the length of the tooth to its former glory. If you have the money, you can literally have a crown made from anything, but on earth, there are three major choices. You can have a full porcelain crown if it is fitted where the forces going through it are minimal, but for strength, porcelain-over-metal or gold crowns are the best options. In the case of tooth loss, crowns can be incorporated into bridges, but if you have an implant fitted, you will need a full crown fitted, again, from the material of choice and necessity.


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