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The link between Smoking and Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Despite the government hiking up the price of cigarettes and tobacco, there are just as many people smoking or taking it up as ever there was in the city of Leeds. In moderation, like anything that we do to our bodies, it may not do that much harm over a short period, but over a sustained length of time, it will start to do damage in some form or other, especially to the mouth. Smoking tends to dry out the mouth and evaporate the saliva, and by doing so, leaves the mouth open to attack from gum disease. This condition thrives on dry mouths and breaks down the gums, causing them to recede and decay. Once this starts to happen, the whole mouth is vulnerable to further damage from tooth decay and periodontal disease. If you do smoke, and you don’t feel the inclination to give up, you must work twice as hard with your oral hygiene and to ensure that your mouth is hydrated as much as possible. However if you already have signs of gum disease, smoking will speed up the affects that the disease will have and you are then putting your whole mouth in danger. Of course, it would be better to give up and your dentist and doctor will be able to help you out with quitting. But you have been warned; smoking and gum disease combined will result in you losing your teeth at some point.

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