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The midnight villain: Sleep Apnoea in Leeds

It’s a scary thought, but there are things going on while you sleep in Leeds that you have no control over, may not even be aware of and yet could end up being the death of you. You can often take it for granted that you’re going to wake up in the morning and yet never question just how it happens, well here’s how. You’re breathing and blood flow is regulated by messages sent from the brain down to your lungs to take in air so that it enters the bloodstream, allowing the heart to push oxygen and blood around the body and back up into the brain for the next cycle- genius eh? Well it is, as long as all of these three characters are working healthily and not interfered with. As you get older though, they may well have suffered some trauma at some point: damage to the central nervous system, obesity, poor lifestyle or a heart attack can diminish the effectiveness of this midnight automation system and it may start to have problems, especially if you have trouble getting air into your windpipe regularly: now welcome to the dark world of sleep apnoea. This is the condition that arises when your system starts to fail because of the lack of oxygen and all three of the main players will start to panic as the system breaks down. It will start to leave you drowsy and fatigued during the day, affect your daytime breathing as well and in the end, your heart will give up trying.

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