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Tricks for Tooth Grinders

2445507_blogTooth grinding is a common problem that can affect oral and general health, as well as sleep quality. The medical name for tooth grinding is bruxism.

Why do people grind their teeth?

There are various reasons why people may grind their teeth but in many cases, there is no clear cause. Many people are unaware that they grind their teeth because it usually occurs as a sub-conscious action.

Experts believe that some cases of bruxism are linked to stress and anxiety, while loose fillings or crowns and an uneven bite may also be contributory causes.

Signs of bruxism include tooth wear (uneven and worn edges, for example), headaches, ear pain, clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw, jaw pain, jaw stiffness and reduced movement and flexibility in the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). This is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull.

Tips for tooth grinders

Grinding the teeth can increase tension and pressure on the facial muscles, damage the teeth and cause pain in the jaw and therefore it’s beneficial to try and take steps to prevent bruxism. Here are some simple tips to take on board if you grind your teeth:

  • see your dentist
  • avoid stressful situations and triggers for anxiety
  • take steps to deal with stress

When you see your dentist, they will be able to examine the mouth for loose restorations and assess any problems with the bite that may be resulting in the upper and lower arches of teeth coming together while you sleep.

Treatment for tooth grinding

The treatment path will reflect the cause and options include repairing and replacing crowns and fillings, orthodontic treatment, stress management and wearing a bite guard. Bite guards are custom-made appliances inserted into the mouth to prevent contact between the top and bottom teeth.

For more information about bruxism or to find out about our specially made bite guards, call now and book a consultation.


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