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Turning back the clock with Porcelain Veneers in Leeds

Although it will get you in the end, people in Leeds like to fight the ageing process as long as they can, and especially when it comes to looking after their teeth. The most common problems that start to appear in the mouth as you get older are that your teeth start to lose their sheen, gaps can appear between the teeth and the gums can begin to recede a little: the years of wear and tear can also see your teeth start to lose their length. But cosmetic dentistry has an answer to everything these days and all of the aforementioned problems can be tackled by having porcelain veneers fitted over the teeth. You first have to have your teeth readied and this will involve gently shaving away the original enamel- it’s painless and after which, a mould is taken so that your veneers can be made up. When they are ready, your dentist will cement them into place, which will hide away all the evils of ageing. But they will also transform your smile and make it rather quite beautiful again with the minimum of effort, and they a not too expensive either. Your dentist can give you all the information you need on this lovely little treatment.



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