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You Don’t Have To Put Up With Bruxism Any Longer In Leeds

1787127_blogIf you wake up with headaches, you often experience stiffness and pain in your jaw or your teeth feel sensitive, you may suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding, a very common subconscious action, which usually happens during sleep.

Grinding or clenching the teeth can contribute to shoulder, neck and head aches, but it can also cause tooth wear. When the teeth grind together, this can wear down the surfaces and damage the enamel, which increases the risk of sensitivity.

What causes teeth grinding?

Many cases of bruxism are linked to anxiety and stress, but grinding the teeth can also occur as a result of orthodontic issues, which affect the alignment of the teeth, and problems, such as loose fillings.

When you have a consultation with a City Dental dentist, they will chat with you and examine your mouth to try and determine the cause; once this has been established, they can discuss possible treatments with you and offer advice to help you stop grinding your teeth.

Treatment for bruxism

In cases where tooth grinding is linked to anxiety or stress, we can offer advice about coping with stress and recommend stress management techniques, such as exercise, breathing exercises and massage therapy.

In severe cases, we recommend wearing a bite guard, which is similar to a gum shield; it helps to protect the teeth by preventing contact between the upper and lower teeth. Our bite guards are custom-made for maximum comfort and they shouldn’t interrupt your sleep in any way.

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