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Dental check ups from City of Leeds dentist prevents dental decay

Look after your teeth and they will last a lifetime. So the saying goes, and there really is a lot of truth in it. Caring for your teeth involves making only small sacrifices but just these few preventative measures could prevent years of misery caused by dental decay and other associated dental problems. Having problems with your teeth is no laughing matter as anyone who has had a root canal procedure will tell you but can easily be avoided by following a few simple rules.

The first rule of dental care is to brush and floss thoroughly every day. Dentists recommend that patients brush their teeth twice a day for three minutes and floss at least once a day. By doing this you help to keep plaque at bay. Plaque is a bacteria-rich substance that erodes tooth enamel causing dental decay and eventually tooth loss. By regular and effective brushing you can stop the build up of plaque and help protect your teeth. This is the most important way of maintaining good dental health.

Very close on its heels however, is keeping up regular check ups with your dentist. It is advisable to see your dentist every six months even if you are experiencing no problems with your teeth. Even the most ardent and strict tooth cleaner may be susceptible to dental decay and catching it early could be the difference between keeping and losing a tooth. Dentists are also able to examine and clean areas of the teeth that are very difficult to clean with manual brushing and flossing. These are the areas that are most at risk from dental decay, precisely because they are hard to reach.

As well as giving teeth a thorough clean, a dentist can also offer further advice on effective cleaning, treat any first signs of decay or other dental problems and examine you mouth for other dental concerns such as gum disease and oral cancer. In the world of dentistry prevention is always better than cure. Half an hour at a City of Leeds dentist every six months could save you time and money in the future and help to keep your teeth and mouth clean and healthy for a lifetime.

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