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Posts Tagged ‘Wisdom tooth Central Leeds’

Wave Goodbye to Wisdom Tooth Woes

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

3534882_blogAfter your milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, wisdom teeth usually start to develop. Wisdom teeth may once have been particularly useful to us. Now the need for wisdom teeth is almost obsolete due to the evolution of our diets.

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, generally grow at the back ends of our jaws or dental arch. Depending on how wisdom teeth develop, they may grow normally or cause orthodontic problems. Wisdom teeth issues include dental overcrowding or impaction, partial eruption, cysts and pain.

Dental treatment may be required to prevent malocclusion, bite or jaw disorders and infection.

Problems with wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth impaction occurs when the wisdom teeth grow sideways, pushing neighbouring teeth out of position. A dentist may recommend wisdom teeth extraction if the impaction, whether complete or partial, is causing malocclusion or cysts and infection.

The danger in leaving wisdom teeth bony impaction untreated is tooth decay, jawbone damage or pericoronitis. Pericoronitis is infection of the gum tissue pocket over the partially erupted wisdom tooth. Wisdom tooth extraction is generally required in such cases.

Removing a wisdom tooth

The procedure for wisdom tooth removal includes administration of a local or general anaesthetic for pain-free extraction. The sedation not only numbs the treatment site, but reduces anxiety about the procedure. Once extracted, gauze may be placed over the pocket to stem bleeding and to promote blood clotting.

Aftercare advice is provided for recovery after wisdom tooth extraction, particularly to prevent dry socket where the blood the clots within the pocket bursts and causes pain. Antibiotics may be provided to prevent infection, and painkillers to relieve any post-operative discomfort.

All About Wisdom Tooth Removal

Friday, September 25th, 2015

585804_blogThe wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars. They are the last teeth to develop and can be found in the corners of the mouth. There are four wisdom teeth in total. Most people start to get their wisdom teeth during their late teens or early twenties, although this can vary. Often, just saying the words ‘wisdom teeth’ is enough to make people squirm, as they are synonymous with pain.

In many cases, the wisdom teeth cause no problems, but sometimes it can be painful when they push through because of a shortage of space in the jaw. If there is not enough room for the teeth to develop properly, they can start to grow at an angle and push against the neighbouring teeth, and this can be uncomfortable. This is known as an impacted tooth.

Wisdom tooth extraction

If your wisdom teeth are causing you problems and you are struggling with pain, it is advisable to have them extracted. The wisdom teeth are not essential and you will be able to do everything you need to without them, so losing them is usually the best course of action if they are troublesome.

Wisdom tooth extraction is similar to normal tooth extraction, when the tooth is gently pulled out of the tooth socket using dental instruments, but the procedure may be more complicated due to the position of the wisdom tooth. The teeth are located right at the back of the mouth and this can make it more awkward to reach them, especially if they are impacted and positioned at an angle. If you need a wisdom tooth removed, our expert dentists at City Dental Leeds can help. Our team boasts experienced dentists with expertise in oral surgery to remove your teeth with minimum discomfort. We understand that oral surgery can be a daunting prospect and we have measures in place to help patients to feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Wise Up on Wisdom Teeth

Monday, June 29th, 2015

5828041_blogFor many people, even hearing the words wisdom teeth is enough to make them anxious. Unfortunately, some people have a very negative experience with wisdom teeth as they can be painful, but often they don’t cause any trouble at all. If you do have troublesome wisdom teeth, we can help to ease your pain and have you fighting fit again in no time.

About the wisdom teeth

The wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars. They are nicknamed wisdom teeth because they are the last teeth to develop, usually appearing in your adult years. There are four wisdom teeth in total, one in each corner of the mouth. Some people get their wisdom teeth without any problems at all, but for others it can be an uncomfortable process. The wisdom teeth tend to be painful when there is not enough space in the jaw for them to develop normally. If there is a lack of space, the teeth may start to grow and push against the neighbouring teeth or grow at an angle and this can be painful. These teeth are known as impacted wisdom teeth.

Coping with dental pain

If you have painful wisdom teeth, you can try taking over the counter pain relief to ease discomfort in the short-term. However, we recommend calling and making an appointment with your dentist. If you are suffering from pain on a persistent basis or your tooth is impacted or decayed, we will usually recommend extraction. You don’t actually need your wisdom teeth and often the best course of action is to take them out. This way they won’t cause you any more discomfort or harm the surrounding teeth.

Wisdom tooth extraction is much the same as normal tooth extraction. However, the procedure may be more complex because of the location of the tooth right at the back of the mouth. Your dentist will explain how the treatment works and what the procedure entails and they will also talk you through the possible risks and side-effects. Extraction is carried out under anaesthetic, so you shouldn’t feel anything, but we understand that the procedure may make many patients feel anxious. If you are a nervous patient, we will do everything we can to prevent discomfort and help you to feel as relaxed as possible.

If you have questions about wisdom teeth or you’ve been suffering with dental pain for a while, now is the time to get in touch. Call us today to book an appointment.

Wising up to Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

So you’ve been through the problems of your secondary teeth coming through- fine. You’ve undergone a few fillings- fine. You’ve even managed to come through the wearing of braces and survived unscathed- brilliant. So now you’re free of any other problems, right? Sadly not, for there is one more hurdle to jump before you can announce to central Leeds that you are proper grown up- wisdom teeth: these will start to come through from around 17 years of age. Now for some people, they will do so without any complications barring a few teething problems, sit perfectly at the back of the mouth and will be with you for life. But wisdom teeth don’t always follow these rules and in some people, they will grow impacted in all directions if there is not enough room to erupt into. The only alternative is to have them removed. Now some dentists will advise you have them all done in one go and get it over with, which will mean you have to go to hospital to have it done because the removal of wisdom teeth is a serious procedure. There is a lot of force required to pull these teeth out and it may involve stitches afterwards. The recovery is also delicate for you are very vulnerable to infection: oral hygiene is very important here and you must be careful how you eat, clean your teeth and ensure you use medicated mouthwashes until the stitches have been removed.