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Posts Tagged ‘wisdom tooth’

The world of Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

One of the problems, and hopefully the final act in the growth of your teeth will come in your late teens/early twenties when your wisdom teeth decide that they are going to make an appearance. Many people will have problems with this as there isn’t always room for the teeth to come through and so the teeth may well become impacted, never appear and then grow in all directions below the gum-line. This can be painful and in scenarios such as this, the only option is to have them removed. Pulling wisdom teeth is a very delicate operation and can require a lot of force to get them out. This is why some people prefer to get it over and done with in one go, and have all four removed in hospital. Of course, this problem is the same for everyone in central Leeds and if you are lucky, the only pain or discomfort you will have to endure is when they burst through the gum tissue. Some people never have their wisdom teeth removed and they sit happy ever after in the mouth. None-the-less, it is still a trying time, so you should be prepared for the event; your dentist can help you out with this.


Wising up to Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

So you’ve been through the problems of your secondary teeth coming through- fine. You’ve undergone a few fillings- fine. You’ve even managed to come through the wearing of braces and survived unscathed- brilliant. So now you’re free of any other problems, right? Sadly not, for there is one more hurdle to jump before you can announce to central Leeds that you are proper grown up- wisdom teeth: these will start to come through from around 17 years of age. Now for some people, they will do so without any complications barring a few teething problems, sit perfectly at the back of the mouth and will be with you for life. But wisdom teeth don’t always follow these rules and in some people, they will grow impacted in all directions if there is not enough room to erupt into. The only alternative is to have them removed. Now some dentists will advise you have them all done in one go and get it over with, which will mean you have to go to hospital to have it done because the removal of wisdom teeth is a serious procedure. There is a lot of force required to pull these teeth out and it may involve stitches afterwards. The recovery is also delicate for you are very vulnerable to infection: oral hygiene is very important here and you must be careful how you eat, clean your teeth and ensure you use medicated mouthwashes until the stitches have been removed.

Teething in the City of Leeds

Monday, February 7th, 2011

In the city of Leeds, all of us are born with different thresholds to pain. This is also the case when it comes to any type of dental pain and especially with teething. It’s normally a problem associated with babies, but if you consider the pain that a wisdom tooth can cause as it breaks through the skin, it’s pretty much the same for a baby. It can start as early as 3 months and then anywhere up to 3 years and although some children may not be affected at all by the problem, it can be hell for others. The symptoms normally start around five days before the teeth come through. The gums may swell and the child become agitated, restless and cry a lot, coupled with drooling and the desire to chew on things. But the problems are treatable, not altogether painless, but soothing. Special teething toys are designed for chewing on and there are gels, herbal remedies such as clove oil, and medicines designed to act as a numbing agent and similar to how an adult would approach a toothache or a breaking wisdom tooth. Pain killers are available to babies of a certain age although caution should be taken when choosing this method. If there are any doubts at all on the correct line to take, or should complications arise, a paediatrician should be consulted.