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Archive for August, 2010

Leeds Dentist Cautions about Dental Allergies

Friday, August 20th, 2010

Do you tend to have allergies to a whole lot of things? If your body is very sensitive and you are prone to all sorts of allergies, then you are very likely to suffer from dental allergies as well. Most people do not know this, but there are various substances that are used in dental treatments and they can cause allergies which are totally unexpected. These substances take the form of various chemicals and products that are used by dentists to repair your teeth.
The most common of these allergens is present in the resin that is used for bonding teeth. This adhesive chemical is absolutely essential to the bonding process but it can also cause a rash in certain people. In extreme cases the rash can also spread to the face and neck, even leading to lesions in some particularly unfortunate people. There are also cases where people have reacted to the material used in fillings. They can suffer from swollen lips as well as rashes. Thankfully, these symptoms do not last too long and go away on their own.
A Leeds dental practice has made it a point to enquire of its patients whether they are particularly prone to a lot of allergies before they start any course of treatment. If a patient has a tendency to getting allergies, then they will get tested before any treatment is started. This is the only way to protect you from being taken by surprise by an allergic reaction in the mouth.

Go to a good Leeds clinic when you have dental accidents

Friday, August 20th, 2010

Dental accidents are extremely common occurrences and they can cause you a great deal of discomfort. In addition, teeth can break very easily, leading to permanent disfiguration of one’s face. A dental practice in Leeds has been educating its patients on what to do in the event of such an accident. A person has to know how to prevent damage to the mouth and also what to do in case an accident does take place so that its effects can be minimized.
Obviously, the best thing to do is avoid any accidents involving the teeth because they can get knocked out very easily. If you play a lot of sports or do any other activities that could possibly put your teeth at risk, you should wear a mouth guard so that your teeth remain safe at all times. You should also never chew food such as ice or corn kernels because you could crack a tooth on them very easily. In case you have had an accident that causes a tooth to get knocked out, you should get medical attention immediately. Before you go to the dentist, see if you can clean the tooth gently in clean water. Try and insert it in the socket for the trip to the dentist so that it remains safe.
These tips should be sufficient to keep your teeth safe in all sorts of situations. Remember them well because you do not get a second chance if you break or lose your adult teeth.

Leeds Dentist Says Crown Lengthening Surgery Is Unavoidable In Some Cases

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Crown lengthening is a specific type of dental surgery where the gums are cut and pulled back away from the tooth. A dentist might need to expose a tooth in this way for many reasons. According to a well known Leeds dentist, this surgery is unavoidable in certain cases. This can be a lengthy process, and it is done after administering local anaesthesia to the patient. If you require this treatment, it is absolutely essential that you go to a clinic that is well known for this and which has a periodontist, or a gum doctor, on its staff.
There are many instances where the tooth has broken or has such a large cavity that there is nothing for the dentist to work with. In such cases the dentist will surgically cut the gums away from the teeth up till the required length. This will give the dentist enough tooth on which a crown or bridge can be fixed. People who suffer from what is known as a gummy smile will also benefit from this surgery. Dentists can cut away the gums to reveal more of the patient’s teeth, thereby improving the smile.
This treatment does cost a bit of money, but it is unavoidable in a lot of cases. In any case, the end result will be really gratifying to the patient. Since it is a slightly complex procedure, it is imperative that you trust your doctor and that the two of you discuss everything about the procedure in detail.

Leeds Dentist Advises Quick Repair of a Cracked Tooth

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

5185834_blogProblems relating to teeth invariably cause us a great deal of discomfort if they are not looked into in time. Dental problems have the ability to make our life completely unbearable. A dentist in Leeds offers a cracked tooth as a perfect example. Teeth can get cracked or broken very easily when one is involved in an accident or even if one plays a lot of rough sports. This problem, while not life threatening can cause one a lot of pain, and it will only get worse if an infection sets in.
If you have recently cracked or broken a tooth, it is essential that you make a trip to the dentist. Your dentist will most likely remove the part that has broken off and file down the remaining part. After cleaning it well, your dentist will probably put a crown on it. If it is a front tooth, you will most likely get one that looks extremely realistic, but which is a bit expensive. Dentists usually use ordinary crowns for back teeth. If the crack is small, your dentist might just opt for bonding using a special resin.
Whichever method your dentist uses, the result has to be the same. Your tooth should look like it did before and there should be no scope for cavities to be formed, which is very likely to happen if the enamel cover has been broken. If you repair your tooth at this early stage, you can get away with a relatively inexpensive dental treatment.

Problem with a Chipped Tooth? Your Leeds Dentist Can Fix It

Monday, August 16th, 2010

A chipped tooth can be a source of immense problem to you if it is left untreated. Teeth are made of very hard material, but improper use can cause them to chip and crack. If you eat foods that are very hard, such as corn kernels or ice, one wrong bite can cause your tooth to chip. A popular Leeds dentist says that people have a tendency to ignore this problem as being very minor. However, in actuality it can easily escalate to a bigger problem.
A chip in a tooth means that the enamel covering of the tooth has been broken which indicates a breach of the tooth’s security. It will certainly lead to tooth decay because it is impossible to clean a tooth properly from inside once it is chipped. The crack in the enamel allows disease causing bacteria to enter the tooth and cause decay from inside. After a while, the tooth will become infected and this could lead to eventual loss of the tooth if the problem is not addressed in time.
A dentist has a very simple solution for this problem. All that a tooth requires is cosmetic bonding with a special resin based sealant so that the chip is repaired. Since the sealant can be made to match the colour of the teeth, it will not even be apparent that the tooth had any problem. Since the problem is so easy to solve, you need to get it done at the earliest before it goes out of control due to neglect.

Leeds Dentist Says That Bruxism Is Not Always Diagnosed

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Bruxism is a disorder that affects many people and in most cases they are not even aware that they suffer from it. This disorder happens when a person gnashes his or her teeth while sleeping, leading to the teeth being ground down over a period of time, with the edges of the teeth getting blunted. The enamel of the teeth will get worn away leading to sensitivity of the teeth, dental decay and even fractures. The jaw of the person will also start to ache after a while. Since this becomes a habit, the problem will only escalate leading to problems that are very expensive to deal with.
Since many people are unaware that they suffer from this problem, it can lead to serious dental problems over time. Certain symptoms that are associated with this condition include eating disorders, anxiety, insomnia and headaches. In extreme cases, it can also lead to arthritis. As a matter of fact, many people find out that they grind their teeth in their sleep only when their partner or parent finds out about it.
It is very important to diagnose this condition correctly so that the dentist can help you find a cure for it. A popular Leeds dentist says that only an examination by an experienced dentist will result in a correct diagnosis since there can be many other reasons for the tooth getting worn down, such as brushing very vigorously or drinking too many soft drinks. This underscores the need for regular dental examinations.

City Of Leeds Dentist Offers the Latest Technology in Braces

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

Most people who have uneven teeth opt for wearing braces because this is the method of straightening them that has been in vogue for years. As a matter of fact it is a very common sight to see these distinctive metal braces amongst young people of a certain age group. However, the wearing of braces is not limited to young people. Many adults also opt to wear them, especially if financial reasons prevented them from getting their teeth straightened in their youth.
As helpful as these braces are, there are many disadvantages to using them. For starters, they are very ugly to look at. Many young people wear them because they are forced to and another reason they agree is because they know that it is temporary. Another problem with these metal braces is that they are very uncomfortable. A person who is undergoing orthodontic treatment usually has to wear these braces for a year and it can go up to three years in some cases.
A City of Leeds dentist has a solution for people who need to straighten their teeth but who don’t want to undergo the discomfort of wearing braces for a long time. Medical science has made huge improvements in the past few years and it is now possible to straighten one’s crooked teeth within a maximum of 6 months. Make sure to ask your dentist for the latest technology in teeth straightening so that you can flash a new and beautiful smile within a short time.

Leeds Dentist Is an Expert in Bridge Treatment to Repair Gaps in Teeth

Friday, August 13th, 2010

When you have gaps in your teeth, you can suffer from more than an awkward appearance, although there is no doubt at all that your looks will suffer greatly as a result of it. A small gap in your teeth is still manageable, but when you have a few teeth missing, you definitely need the help of a good dentist. The gaps in your teeth will cause the remaining teeth to rotate, or they might even shift slightly in order to fill up the empty space, resulting in worse problems than you had before. You will very likely have a bad bite, and in worst cases you will also have diseases of the gum and the jaw.
If you live in Leeds, you can avail of the services of the best dentists since there are a few world class dental facilities situated there. Your dentist will be able to replace the missing teeth by using an artificial device called a bridge. They are cemented into place using the teeth next to the gap for support, and an artificial tooth is fixed there.
If the gap in your teeth is right in front of your face, then you need to use an artificial tooth of more expensive material such as porcelain since that will give you a very good appearance. This will also cost more, but it will be worth the expenditure since it will be really lifelike. Have a good talk with your dentist so you can decide on the best course of treatment.

Bleaching Treatments Offered By Leeds Dental Practice

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

There are many advantages to getting one’s teeth bleached and this is therefore a very popular cosmetic dental procedure. We use our teeth so often, without always remembering to look after them. This causes them to become stained and discoloured over time. Not only is this unattractive, but it also makes a person look far older than he or she is. As a resident of Leeds, you have some excellent options in dental clinics where you can go and get your problem solved. There are dental clinics there that specialize in cosmetic dentistry, and they can help you get a set of gleaming bright teeth.
A dentist makes use of powerful whitening agents in order to bleach the teeth. They work very well to remove stains that occur as a result of drinking dark coloured beverages such as tea, coffee or wine. These whitening agents are also helpful in making teeth look less yellow in colour.
The teeth whitening treatment does not cost too much and it is also done within a relatively short time. You will be amazed at how such a quick and simple procedure can transform your looks. As a matter of fact, many people who want to look younger fast resort to this method and it gives the result of a quick ‘face lift’. The opposite is also true, and people who have had actual face lifts also have to have their teeth bleached in order to get them to match with the rest of the face.

Leeds Dentist Has a Solution for Bad Breath

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

There are many causes for bad breath, such as digestive problems, but the most common ones are to do with oral hygiene. If you suffer from this problem then you should visit your dentist immediately. Leeds has many excellent dental clinics and you should be able to find one without too much trouble. Your teeth and gums will get a thorough check up and cleaning so that anything causing the problem will be removed or repaired.
The most common reason for foul breath is improper oral hygiene. People who do not clean their teeth often enough or well enough are sure to suffer from this problem because the oral cavity will be always filled with food particles. There will be a build up of old food on the teeth and in between them that is causing the bad smell. Another common reason is the presence of a cavity in the teeth. These cavities tend to get filled with food particles which decompose there, causing the bad smell.
A visit to a dentist should solve this problem for you without too much delay unless there is a bigger problem such as gum disease. Most people just require their teeth to be cleaned by the dentist who will use a jet of water to do it. You will also be taught ways to keep your gums and teeth clean and therefore your mouth will be odour free. Needless to say, you have to maintain good oral hygiene at all times so that your teeth don’t get dirty all over again.