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Archive for March, 2013

Keeping your Breath Fresh in the City of Leeds

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

Bad breath truly is something to avoid at all costs, as it can damage your social standing and your chances in the work place in the city of Leeds. But with a little bit of effort and hard work (if your condition is bad), the problem can be got rid of quite easily. The first thing you should do is go and see a hygienist to get your teeth thoroughly cleaned and then your dentist to overcome any tooth decay and gum disease that you may be suffering from. Then from both of these people, you can learn to change your ways and your oral hygiene habits for the better. The mouth needs its saliva to fend off odours and by drinking lots of water and maintaining a good balanced diet, this can be achieved: smoking and persistent drinking will also have a detrimental affect on your breath; chewing sugar free gum and sweets will help to keep your mouth hydrated. However, aside from all of this, using herbal remedies in your daily oral hygiene will also to help keep your breath fresh and healthy. Don’t ever take bad breath lightly though, for something like this is an indicator that something is ‘unwell’ in your system and for the sake of your wellbeing, it is always advisable to seek medical help.


The charm of CEREC in Leeds

Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Your teeth can be a right pain in the backside at times, especially when things go wrong and who is to say when things are going to go wrong. If you are also a horrendously busy bee in Leeds, it can also be hard to find time to get your teeth patched up; this leaves you in a dilemma, especially if your smile is an important ingredient in the work that you do, hence you may find yourself languishing between the devil and the deep blue sea. But the world of dentistry has come on leaps and bounds over the past 50 years and issues like this are no longer a problem thanks to the advances in technology. Take the magical charm of CEREC for example. Fitting a veneer, a bridge or a crown used to be a three-week operation at best, but not with CEREC. All you have to do is turn up to the dental surgery and then in an hour or so, you will leave with a completely new fitting. This is because once you have been analysed and the results fed into a computer, the computer programme will then design your fitting and send this information into a machine while you are being prepped by the dentist. The great thing about this is that any problems that crop up with the fitting can be rectified in-house, there and then.


Looking amazing with a Smile Makeover in the City of Leeds

Friday, March 15th, 2013

There comes a time in your life in the city of Leeds when age catches up with you and your body starts to look a tad weary: it’s not your fault and there is no way of stopping the wheel of time from turning, but there are ways of staving off the obvious signs of ageing, especially with your teeth. This is why dentists today in the city of Leeds can offer you a complete smile makeover to put a touch of youth back in your smile and once you have been looked at and analysed, you will be given a price to cover everything. This will cover an array of problems that you may have but in the end, it will all be worth it. First, for the complete look, you will need to have teeth straightened and missing teeth replaced before your dentist can set to work in earnest. Discoloured teeth can be whitened, worn teeth covered over with veneers or cosmetic bonding and crowns can be used to cover up injury or tooth decay: gums can be contoured. And it’s not just your teeth either that can be rejuvenated: dentists can hide away the wrinkles in your lips with botox and dermal fillers. Once you have got the bug, you can then turn your attentions to the rest of yourself, but by getting a smile makeover first, it will start to improve the way you look and care for yourself.


Central Leeds gets the invisible Aligner- Invisalign

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

If you have to go through a serious operation to your teeth like tooth alignment, you’d rather it be done as quickly as possible and with the utmost discretion, as the eyes of onlookers will always be drawn to your smile, especially if you have half of the steel industry wrapped around your teeth. Well, if it’s discretion that you seek during this turbulent time in central Leeds then look no further than Invisalign, for this aligner is a dream. During the treatment, you will change the aligner regularly as your teeth start to move into the desired position, but oh boy, how it moves the teeth! For a start, the aligner is constructed from a see-through plastic which means it is virtually invisible once in place. You also have the luxury of it being removable, so hygiene and eating pose no problem what-so-ever, so essentially, life goes on as normal while your teeth are being straightened. The other bonus of this system is that it is fast- three times faster than conventional treatments; in fact, there is a strain of Invisalign that boasts results in just 6 months! Before you embark on your teeth alignment, you should seriously take a good look at this device; though not the cheapest, it is unbelievably brilliant.


Beating Bad Breath in Leeds

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

From time to time, we all fall off the wagon in Leeds and drop our oral hygiene guard which can lead to a touch of bad breath, but when you finally get back to normal, you can remove the problem quickly with some good old fashioned cleaning. However, if you constantly suffer from this condition, it indicates something is going wrong in your mouth and body and you will to assert all your energy to remove the problem. The most obvious starting point is your dentist: tooth decay and gum disease can cause foul odours in your mouth and if you get your teeth fixed and improve the way you look after your teeth and gums, you may be able to solve the problem easily; a hygienist will be the perfect person to chat with about this too, because although you can improve your oral health with hard work, you may also have to take a look at your lifestyle. Cigarettes, heavy alcohol consumption and a poor diet will add to the complications of bad breath and it is important, once you are aware of this, that you address it and cut these things out, at least until you have stopped the problem of bad breath. Changing your hygiene programme as well can solve the problem and by incorporating herbal remedies into your daily routine will help tremendously. Cut out the coffee, the sweets and give your mouth a chance to re-hydrate and maintain saliva levels in the mouth.


You and your Jaw Joints in Central Leeds

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

There are a lot of things that you put your body through during an average day in, but if look after yourself, then your body can take what you demand of it; it’s the same with your mouth as well. You chew and you chatter, and though you might not be aware of it, your jaw joints are taking the brunt of this. They are two of the tiniest joints in your body and have to deal with a lot each day. Fortunately, they are surrounded by muscle and tissue to give them support to handle what you get up to. But they are not indestructible and if exposed to ‘extra curricular’ activity, they will become worn out. The first signs of this are if they ache constantly or click when you open and close your mouth, because it shows signs of damage and you may need surgery to repair the problem. This ‘activity’ that we speak of is exposing yourself to impacts from sports that you may like to play, and it is imperative that you take the necessary precautions to protect your mouth with a head and mouth guard to prevent damage to your jaws. The real killer though comes from a condition that you may have not noticed creeping up on you- teeth grinding, a stress related issue that is easy to suffer from in a busy place like central Leeds. Aside from the obvious damage to your teeth, grinding can destroy your jaw joints, lead to tinnitus, bad head aches, damage to your neck and nervous system, and then cause complications in your upper back. If you have any concerns that you may be at risk, you should consult your dentist immediately.


The wonder of the Inman Aligner in Leeds

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

So, you’re goofy and yet, you have not had the gall to do anything about it all of your life: and yet, it burns away at you every time you look in the mirror or hide away whenever a camera comes out to photograph you. It may be time to take the bull by the horns, stop whining and do something about it. It’s never too late and if you have a look at the orthodontic treatments around you, you can finally rid yourself of those buck teeth of yours very quickly indeed if you really want to, nay, need to. The Inman aligner can sort you out in as little as 6 weeks because of its unique design that is tailored for those unsightly front teeth: it pushes and it pulls on the front teeth, loosening them and pulling them into shape quickly and before you know it, you can eradicate the problems of self consciousness for once and for all. It’s cheap for what it does; around £1200 will get a bespoke device fitted to your mouth, and a device that is also removable throughout the treatment- great for oral hygiene. There is extra with this treatment however; such speedy movement means that you will need to use a retainer to stop the teeth from trying to flip-out again…but hey, six weeks to look beautiful for the first time ever in Leeds? Go for it! X


Stunning Invisalign in Central Leeds

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

Finding Nemo, Saving Private Ryan, Looking for Invisalign…great movies! Well, except for the last one maybe, but none-the-less, Invisalign is a classic in its own right and one that has dentists reaching for their voting pads in dentistry circles all around central Leeds. Why? Well it literally poops on all other forms of tooth alignment that have ever gone before it- it’s a cracker! There is no self consciousness when you have this aligner in your mouth because it is literally invisible, due to the fact it is manufactured from a special clear plastic that is hard to see when it is being worn. Now that is freedom enough for anyone going through any form of teeth alignment, but it gets better. You can take the aligner out whenever you fancy and this allows you to clean your teeth and to eat as normal- magical. But the icing on this cake is that the treatment is rapid: various forms of this treatment can be over and done with anywhere from six months upwards. It doesn’t suit everyone, so you will need to get measured up first to see if it will work for you. It isn’t the cheapest treatment either, but for what it does and how it does it, there is nothing quite like it and it can make possibly one of the most important periods of your life (tooth alignment) a complete breeze; check it out.


The choice of different Dental Crowns in the City of Leeds

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Tooth decay is not a pretty thing to suffer from, as it can destroy your teeth and in the end, if they go untreated, they will fall out: tooth loss is the most soul destroying thing to suffer from. However, with anything that goes wrong in your mouth in the city of Leeds today, your dentist will have an answer to it and in cases like these, the hero of the moment is the dental crown. This is brilliant for restoring a tooth that has decayed or damaged by injury; it will give your tooth back its shape, stop further infection in surrounding teeth and help to retain the perfect bite of your mouth. With complete tooth loss, you will find a crown popping up in various procedures such as implant surgery or the fitting of a bridge. If you have to have one fitted though, you do get a choice of materials to choose from to make your crown (though if you are very adventurous (and rich), you can have one made from a diamond), you get the call here. There are three general materials though that your dentist will normally offer you, though the decision is also based on the work that the crown has to do. Gold and porcelain-over-metal crowns are built for strength and are the preferred choice for the back of the mouth. A full porcelain crown is better at the front of the mouth and looks more natural, though some people like a touch of gold in their smile as well.


The best cosmetic dental technology in Leeds- CEREC

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Leeds is a beautifully vibrant place to live, but with that comes the pressures of looking your best at all times in order to keep up with the best: clothes, hair and your smile can make a huge difference in how you impose yourself in the city. On top of this, if something goes wrong at any one moment, you want to know that you can go somewhere to get fixed up in a jiffy so that you remain in the game at all times. Clothes are easy, there is a hairdresser on every corner, but when it comes to a dental crisis, it is not so easy….well, that was before CEREC came along. This is an amazing system designed to get you up and running again in just over an hour if you require a veneer, a bridge or a crown very quickly. Once you sit down in your dentist’s chair, quick snaps are taken of your teeth, fed into the CEREC computer programme to design your fitting and then, this is fed into a machine that will manufacture your new fitting, in just 20 minutes! During this process, the dentist can ready you for the fitting and before you know it, your smile can be back on track in the time it would normally take to have a lunch break.