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Archive for September, 2013

The beautiful world of Invisalign in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

386703_blogThere are some things that come along in the dental world that blows your mind and when it comes to having your teeth straightened in the city of Leeds, there is none more exquisite than Invisalign; this treatment is brilliantly unique in the way it works. Once you have been measured up and have been approved with the programme (it doesn’t work for everybody), then you will be kitted out with around a half a dozen aligners that you swap over as your teeth start to move into line. These aligners are all removable so that is superb when it comes to oral hygiene. But aside from the fact that this is very fast, Invisalign’s best quality is that each aligner is manufactured from a clear plastic; what this means is that whenever it is in the mouth, anyone around you can barely tell you’re wearing it. Of course, all of this luxury comes at a price, and this product doesn’t come cheap- it is the more expensive options to go for. But come on, the benefits of going down this road far outweigh the costs…at least give it a look.


The Inman Aligner descends on Central Leeds

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

3492515_blogFancy having your buck front teeth, yes the teeth that have always annoyed you all of your life straightened for once and for ever? Now for some people who are over a more ‘mature’ age, the idea of getting some serious orthodontic work done in later life or in fact as the years keep passing, becomes harder to make a choice with. But if you were to take a look at the options of braces on the market in central Leeds, whatever age you are, there are some beauties out there and they aren’t going to take a long time to get you sorted out, especially the unique Inman aligner. This is a feat of engineering magic that will get those funny old teeth back in place in no time at all; to be honest, in just 6 weeks! Yes, this device is that good: its cute little mechanism loosens your teeth up with a rocking motion and then hauls them into place extremely quickly. Such speed of movement will mean you have to wear some form of retainer after in order to stop the teeth from springing back again, but this is short change considering that you have finally got your teeth sorted out after all these years. It isn’t expensive and it isn’t hard to wear either- it can be taken out at your fancy during your treatment and it will be all over before you know it.

Gunning down Gum Disease in Leeds

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

459343_blogYour body should be a temple to you in Leeds, but keeping your health on track relies on you getting the right balance of diet and behaving yourself. If you don’t get this right and you start to ignore your oral hygiene as well, you could be opening a terrible can of worms- gum disease. This is a right killer and aside from the damage it does to your gums; it can knock out your teeth as well. Further down the line, the constant leaking of toxins into the body will get into the heart and other organs and over a long period of time, these parts of the body will simply give up and fail. The early signs of gum disease are blood on the toothbrush- you must have seen the adverts on television. Now there are toothpastes designed to deal with this condition and mouthwashes too, but it goes a lot deeper than this and you really do have to throw anything you can at gum disease; your dentist, a hygienist, and even herbal remedies. You can’t take chances with this condition because it is vicious and it will wreck you in the end: it has to be fought on all fronts if you want a healthy and stable lifestyle in the future.




Stunning teeth from Enlighten in Central Leeds

Monday, September 16th, 2013

2977218_blogThe world of cosmetic dentistry has become very sure of itself, what with new products and ways of enabling you to smile with total confidence and there is no better example of this as in the world of tooth whitening. Modern whitening methods have been gone through the ceiling and if you are looking for something very special in order to get a smile looking like a Hollywood star, then get out your get your check-book out and embark on a course of Enlighten Tooth Whitening. This has rocked the dental world with its brilliance and for good reason- it is truly sensational. After getting the nod from your dentist and being measured up for your bleaching trays, the rest is down to you for the next fortnight. You put the bleaching agent in the trays and put them into your mouth every night you go to bed with a good book in central Leeds; avoid anything that may stain your teeth and be sure you to use whitening toothpaste because in 2 weeks….WOW! You won’t believe how beautiful your smile looks and once the dentist has signed you off, you will walk away with the best smile in town.

Forwards and upwards with a Digital X-ray in the City of Leeds

Sunday, September 15th, 2013

1850575_blogThere is no doubt about the way that technology has advanced over the past 30 years and the affects have bled into every walk of life, from commerce to the medical world: computers, lasers and the like have definitely shaken things up for the better and this has had a huge impact on the dental world as well. Since all this technology has entered the dental surgery, patients have benefited from this all around the world- and in the city of Leeds. There is no finer example of this as with the digital x-ray: X-rays are brilliant anyway; they have given doctors and dentists the chance to diagnose their patients with precision. However, since they have gone digital, it has enabled the medical profession to make decisions in seconds. When you pop in for a dental check-up, you will be x-rayed in order to ascertain if things have gone wrong; this is flashed up on a computer screen in a matter of seconds enabling your dentist to get to work on you straight away. The images can be stored on a computer for historical reasons and if they need to be referenced, all it takes is a push of a button and by the power of e-mail, your dentist can send them off for a second opinion if needed. All of this means that as a patient, you are in damn good hands!

Delightful and dashing Dentures in Leeds

Saturday, September 14th, 2013

iStock_000001998629XSmallDentures: love the idea or hate it, but you may end up going done this route and you only have yourself to blame in Leeds because aside from injury, you clearly haven’t looked after you mouth enough in the past. However, without being too harsh, what’s done is done and if you need dentures, you shouldn’t be afraid to go down this road; modern dentures have changed considerably over the years and believe or not, become rather a sexy option to tooth loss. Technicians in this field have put a lot of work into the way modern dentures are designed and made; softer, more natural looking materials are used to help fuse the dentures in the mouth and adhere to the movement of the gums better. Couple this with the use of better cements, and the combination of dental implants, the world of dentures has never been in better shape: they fit better, stay in the mouth better and are more firm and natural than they ever were. So don’t be scared- if you have lost some teeth of late, talk to your dentist about the possibility of dentures: they are the cheapest and easiest of options to go for right now.

Flushing out your Dental Phobia in the City of Leeds

Friday, September 13th, 2013

2986104_blogAs you grow up in the city of Leeds, you may have had things happen to you that may have scared you in your youth; you may not be aware of any of these but they may well manifest in the oddest of ways as you get older- phobias. It may well develop in the way you are scared of heights- so you avoid heights; you may avoid flying, so you don’t fly. All of these you can work around; but if you have a phobia about dentists- this really could be a problem and wherever this fear of going along to the surgery and getting treated has come from- maybe bad experiences in the past or something that has happened to friends or family- it can physically and mentally scare you from going at all. Now you are drifting in dangerous waters: you need to be seen and treated, but you are terrified to go, you may be putting your oral health on the line here. You must confront your issues otherwise you may find yourself in serious trouble. Talk to someone professionally about this- either a psychiatrist if the problem is truly bad or just go along and talk to your dentist; the modern dentist is ‘well clued up’ with dental phobia and if you sit down and just talk things through, you may well find that the world of modern dentistry isn’t as scary as you thought. Cure yourself of this, and then you can start going up high mountains and getting on planes again!

Dealing with Dental Pain in Central Leeds

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1850411_blogPain comes in many different forms, especially in the mouth- there are so many things that can go wrong, but at the end of the day, it is down to you to deal with it. However, if something does go awry, you don’t have to be alone on this front. Pain in the mouth can come from tooth decay, an ulcer, a chipped tooth, loss of a filling or some cosmetic fitting that can cause lacerations to the mouth, an abscess or something that hasn’t calmed down after treatment. The point is that you shouldn’t hit the panic button and be aware of the nature of your dental pain. Central Leeds has 24 hour dentists that you can tap up if you get worried about anything at all and so you should call them up. But in serious states such as and abscess or the loss of a tooth, you always have the hospital to turn to in a crisis: never be afraid to call people up if you are suffering from any form of dental pain. Also, get loads of products and drugs in so that if anything should strike, you will at least be prepared and you can dumb down the pain until you can get to see someone. Also do your homework: talk to your dentist and go on the internet and find out about things that may possibly go wrong in the future, better still- look after your oral hygiene so that you can avoid these problems in the first place.

Downright dandy Dental Implants in Leeds

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

2445507_blogThe damage of tooth loss can be many-fold if it happens to you in Leeds; serious health issues can follow with the teeth that remain- plus the fact that losing a tooth or two can destroy your smile and disrupt you confidence and self esteem when you are out and about. However, if you are looking for a truly solid and eternal way of getting out of this hole that has been created, take a look at the dental implant. Talk to your dentist about this treatment and go through it step by step- don’t forget to talk about the costs either, because it isn’t the cheapest way to solve the problem- but it is the best. It looks a tad gruesome on paper and the history of this procedure was a little scary, but modern technology has taken this treatment from being 6 months of heartache and recovery to two hours of pure pleasure and no pain what-so-ever. Okay, the placement of a tiny titanium rod through the gums and into the jaw looks nasty, but thanks to computers and precision laser surgery, it has become immaculately brilliant and once the implant is perfectly in, it will be with you for life: strong and free of infection…at least give it a look.

Dismissing Dental Decay in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

608718_blogThere is an ever present threat to your mouth in the city of Leeds and that is plaque. If you mess up for just a day with the way you look after your oral health, this nasty little beast will jump straight in and attack your teeth. If left to run its course, the plaque will harden into tartar and then you are in the sorry world of dental decay. It will erode away your teeth’s enamel and start to cause caries to form: at this point the problem can be treated with a filling, but if it gets worse, you’ll need root canal treatment. You are seriously putting your health at large if you don’t keep up with your oral hygiene and turn up at the dentists for a check-up. Let’s just break down dental decay eh? These problems can lead to very serious issues such as gum disease; this will affect your heart. You will loose your teeth and the recovery from all of this will mean you paying out lots of money in the future. You will also be running the risk of abscesses forming- extremely dicey. Look after yourself, cut down on bad habits such as excessive drinking and smoking, clean your mouth properly, improve your diet and make sure you visit your dentist regularly if you want to avoid going down this path.