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Archive for January, 2015

What Happens During Root Canal Treatment?

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

2143132_blogRoot canal treatment is a procedure, which may be called into action when the tooth pulp becomes infected or injured. The pulp lies beneath the enamel and dentine layers and contains the living tissue of the tooth, including the blood vessels and the nerves. Once an infection reaches the pulp, there is often only one alternative to root canal treatment and this is extraction.

The root canals are narrow channels, which run from the top of the pulp chamber to the tip of the root.

What happens when you have root canal treatment?

The aim of root canal treatment is to remove decayed pulp tissue and clear the root canals to prevent an infection spreading. In order to do this, your dentist will drill into the tooth to access the root canals, clear all the decayed tissue away and then clean the root canals thoroughly. All this will be done under local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain at all.

Once the root canals are clear and clean, they will be filled using gutta percha, a dental material. Filling the root canals helps to reduce the risk of bacteria spreading into the roots.

In most cases of root canal treatment, it’s advisable to replace the tooth crown with a new crown; this helps to protect the tooth from further injury or damage. Crowns are custom-made and they sit on top of your natural tooth; we recommend ceramic crowns for a natural looking aesthetic.

Does root canal treatment hurt?

There is a popular belief that root canal treatment is very painful and unpleasant, but our dentists are highly skilled and they use their expertise to prevent discomfort. The tooth is numbed using local anaesthetic beforehand, so you won’t feel any pain. Many of our patients dread the procedure coming in and leave wondering what all the fuss was about! If you’re a nervous patient, don’t hesitate to mention this to your dentist, so they can take extra special care of you and help you to feel less anxious.


Why We Offer Dental Sedation In The City Of Leeds

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

352388_blogWe appreciate that many patients feel anxious when a trip to the dentist is looming and this is why we provide sedation. If you are very nervous about having a dental procedure or you suffer from dental phobia, we can offer treatment under sedation to help you to feel relaxed.

Our dental team is experienced in caring for nervous patients and we use painless techniques and advanced treatments to make patients feel comfortable and prevent them from experiencing pain; we also encourage patients to relax and make themselves feel at home with a drink, a film or some soothing music and we are always happy to arrange a chat or a tour before treatment to help reassure clients and answer any questions.

What is sedation?

We are able to perform a range of procedures under sedation. Sedation is a relaxation technique, which is used to prevent patients from feeling pain or experiencing anxiety when they have a dental or medical procedure. Unlike general anaesthetic, sedatives do not make you lose consciousness and you can return home straight after treatment. Once you are sedated, you will simply feel a little drowsy and you won’t feel any pain. After sedation, it’s normal to feel a little out of it and sleepy, but you will soon start to feel more alert; it can take up to 24 hours for the effects to wear off fully and once we have checked you over, we ask for you to arrange for somebody to take you home and sit with you.

The benefits of sedation

Sedation helps to relax patients. Often, even the thought of having dental treatment can make people feel very stressed and nervous and sometimes, people feel so scared that they avoid going to the dentist for years on end, even if they have dental problems. Sedation helps to make dental treatment less daunting, both before and during a procedure and patients can go into the treatment room with the peace of mind that they are not going to feel any pain. Sedation can also be beneficial for patients who require complex treatment, as they will feel more comfortable.


Boost Your Smile Confidence With Our Range Of Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Friday, January 9th, 2015

3492515_blogA lack of confidence in your smile can have a major impact on the way you live your life, from holding back in social situations to feeling uncomfortable when presenting in front of a crowd of people at work. If you suffer from a lack of confidence because of the appearance of your teeth and you constantly find that you are hiding your smile away, we can help. With our tailor-made smile makeovers, we can transform the appearance of your teeth to make you look amazing and increase your self-esteem.

With a smile makeover, we use a sequence of treatments to provide solutions for existing aesthetic problems and create a beautiful new look. We have many different treatments at our disposal and we personalise your makeover to suit your needs, the time-frame you have available, your budget and your desired outcome.

How does a smile makeover work?

The planning stage is really exciting, but it’s also really important. At this stage of the process, we talk through treatments and ideas with you and carry out the necessary tests to check your dental health and ascertain which treatments would suit you best. We chat to you to find out which kinds of looks you like and we work together as a team to come up with the perfect design.

Our approach is entirely personalised and we work to your requirements and preferences; if you have a special date in mind or you have a budget you’d like to stick to, for example, we can recommend treatments, which fit these criteria.

Once we have designed your smile, we can then start treatment. The type of treatment you have will dictate the time-frame, the cost and the treatment process. Sometimes, smile makeovers can be completed very quickly, while in other cases, they can take months, even years.

Your dentist will work to a very detailed plan and ensure you are fully aware of what is happening, when.

If you’d like to find out more about our smile makeovers or you’d like to chat to one of our dentists about whether a smile makeover would be suitable for you, call us and arrange a consultation.

The Benefits Of Removing Your Aligners In The City Of Leeds

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

3200188_blogRemovable braces offer a convenient alternative to fixed braces in the city of Leeds and often, they are also very discreet. Invisalign is one of the world’s most popular clear brace systems and millions of people all over the world have already benefited from this amazing treatment. If you’d like to be next in line to enjoy a stunning, straight smile, call us now!

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign employs a different method of straightening the teeth to traditional braces, as it uses a sequence of appliances, rather than a single brace. Each patient is given a set of bespoke aligners at the beginning of their treatment and these aligners are worn in a set order; each one is slightly different to allow room for movement. The aligners generate low-friction forces, which move the teeth over time. Each aligner works for 2 weeks and is then replace with the next appliance in the series until treatment ends.

Although Invisalign aligners are removable, it’s extremely important that they are worn for the recommended time each day; if they are left out for long periods of time, this can affect the efficacy of treatment. Ideally, you should try to keep your aligners in for at least 22 hours per day.

What are the benefits of removable braces?

There are many advantages of removable braces and they tend to make life much easier than wearing traditional fixed braces; you don’t have to adapt the way you eat or the foods you include in your diet, you can eat with greater confidence in front of other people and you brush your teeth in the normal way. Sometimes, wearing braces can increase the risk of oral health problems, such as decay, but with removable braces, this is not the case, as you can brush your teeth thoroughly and it’s very easy to keep the braces clean. Removable races also give you a greater sense of freedom and you have more control over your treatment.



Lingual Braces Offer A Discreet Alternative To Clear Aligners

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

2904346_blogIf you’re searching for an orthodontic treatment, which promises to straighten the teeth in secret, we have the perfect treatment for you. Lingual braces offer a discreet alternative to fixed braces and clear aligners and can help you to achieve your dream smile without anyone even knowing.

Lingual braces work in a similar way to traditional fixed braces, but there is one major difference; these braces are secured onto the lingual side of the teeth (the back of the teeth. This means that your smile will look exactly the same as it did before treatment once your braces have been fitted; you can smile, speak, sing and laugh without anyone being able to tell that you’re wearing a brace.

About STb Social 6 braces

We are delighted to have STb Social 6 as part of our orthodontic range. This impressive lingual brace system provides an invisible treatment option for patients who have minor issues that concern the social 6, the teeth at the front of the mouth.

STb Social 6 braces are small and light and they use hi-tech, self-ligating wires to minimise friction; they are a great solution for teenagers and adults who want to achieve results without the worries associated with wearing visible braces. As these braces focus on the front teeth only and are aimed at patients with minor issues, treatment times are very short. The average patient wears their braces for just 6-16 weeks.

Which is best: lingual braces or clear aligners?

There are pros and cons with both types of treatment. Lingual braces and clear aligners both offer discretion, but lingual braces are a truly invisible option; they also provide greater support for the teeth and guarantee results, whereas the success of aligners is highly dependent on the individual. Some people prefer the flexibility of removable aligners and aligners tend to be more comfortable and easier to live with, as they can be taken out when you eat and brush your teeth. Sometimes, one kind of treatment is better suited, so your dentist will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each system with you once they have assessed your needs and analysed your bite.

We Can Treat A Whole Host Of Orthodontic Issues With 6 Month Smiles

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

1567900_blogAt City Dental Leeds we pride ourselves on offering the best orthodontic treatments around and we are delighted to have 6 Month Smiles as part of our range of incredible orthodontic systems. If you’re searching for a versatile, quick and effective treatment right here in Leeds, look no further!

What is 6 Month Smiles?

6 Month Smiles is a fixed brace treatment, which corrects misalignment issues with the front teeth in record time. This treatment is geared towards the front teeth only, as these are the teeth that can be seen when you smile and it employs the latest self-ligating technology to move the teeth quickly. Self-ligating wires also help to reduce pressure by generating gentle forces.

6 Month Smiles is not an invisible system, but the braces are designed to work discreetly; they are made from clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires, making them much less noticeable than traditional fixed braces.

As you may have guessed from the name of the treatment, 6 Month Smiles aims to complete cases within 6 months; this means that it is one of the fastest treatments out there. As fewer appointments are required during the treatment process, this system is also less expensive than many other treatments.

Who is the best match for 6 Month Smiles?

This treatment is versatile and it offers a solution to many patients with common orthodontic issues, including mild or moderate spacing, crowding or crooked front teeth. Ideally, this is suited to patients who require a limited amount of movement in response to issues that affect the front teeth; if you have more complex needs, which require more movement, another solution may be best and we can make recommendations once we are fully aware of your prescription and your needs.


We Can Prevent But Also Treat Gum Disease In Central Leeds

Monday, January 5th, 2015

1788888_blogWhen it comes to gum disease, we have the expertise to prevent and treat cases and we cater for patients with diverse needs, from those who have good oral health and no signs of decay or gum disease, to those who have advance gum disease and require ongoing treatment. We aim to make you feel comfortable and to do everything we can to improve your oral health.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a very common oral disease, which is characterised by swollen and sore gums; it is caused by acids released by harmful bacteria in plaque, which irritate the gums. Most cases of gum disease are linked to poor oral hygiene, but smoking and diet can also play a role.

Plaque forms when bacteria and food debris are joined together by saliva; it is a sticky film-like substance, which can grip onto the surfaces of the teeth and the gum line.

Preventing gum disease

The best way of preventing gum disease is to focus on oral hygiene and ensure you keep your mouth as clean as possible. Twice daily brushing and daily flossing are effective ways of cleaning away food traces and bacteria before they are able to develop into plaque. We also highly recommend seeing a dentist for a check-up every 6-9 months and seeing a hygienist for a cleaning treatment every 12 months. Avoiding sugary and acidic foods and drinks, which increase the risk of acid erosion of the enamel and gum irritation, is also advisable.

Treating gum disease

In mild cases of gum disease (gingivitis), good oral hygiene is usually sufficient to clear symptoms and reverse any damaging effects; however, in more advanced cases, where gingivitis has developed into periodontal disease, treatment is not as straightforward. Periodontal disease (also known as periodontitis) causes irreversible damage to the gums and the bone tissue beneath them, which hold the teeth in place. Once the bone is damaged, the teeth start to become less secure in their sockets and will eventually come loose.

Severe gum disease requires careful management and treatment takes place over a prolonged period of time; our dentists and dental hygienists work together to perform procedures, which remove harmful bacteria, plaque and tartar from the mouth to cleanse the and protect the gums and to ensure that patients feel as comfortable as possible.


Let Your Smile Do The Talking With Dental Veneers

Sunday, January 4th, 2015

18625010If you long for your smile to be noticed for all the right reasons, we can help! With our incredible veneers, you can let your beautiful smile do all the talking!

If you dislike the look of your teeth, you’re conscious of your stained or chipped teeth or your smile holds you back at interviews or when you go on dates, now is the time to take the plunge and let us transform your troublesome teeth into a stunning new smile. Veneers are not just an effective aesthetic treatment, they can also make a really positive difference to your confidence. The New Year Is here, so why not kick-start it with a bang?

About veneers

Veneers are a very popular aesthetic dental treatment, which are famed for creating beautiful smiles; they are ultra-thin shells of ceramic, which are placed over the top of your natural teeth to produce a flawless new look.

Veneers are versatile and they offer a solution to many common cosmetic problems, from staining and discolouration, to chips and worn surfaces. With veneers, your smile will truly amazing and you can enjoy greater confidence every time you meet somebody new, post for a photograph or apply for the dream job.

How does veneer treatment work?

In most cases, the teeth require minor preparation before veneers can be placed; this involves trimming away a very fine layer of the tooth surface and it is designed to make room for the veneers, so that they feel comfortable and your smile looks as natural as possible. Veneers are bespoke and they are manufactured according to impressions of your teeth.

Once your veneers are ready, the exciting bit begins and we fit the veneers and show you your brand new smile. We will place the veneers on your teeth and then ask you to look at your smile before we secure them; this is to check that you are completely happy with the look and fit of the veneers. Once the veneers have been fixed to the tooth surface, they should last for many years and you’ll be ready to go out and show off a beautiful new smile.

We Offer Simple And Effective Methods Of Creating A Whiter Smile

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

3982072_blogA recent study suggested that 95% of people admit that they would like whiter teeth, so it’s no great surprise that tooth whitening is one of our most popular treatments. If you long for a whiter, brighter smile, we have the ideal match for you; with our home whitening treatment, you can enjoy radiant pearly whites without even having to brave the wintry weather.

About home whitening

We have carefully selected the best premium home whitening products to provide our clients with an effective and convenient system, which enables them to enjoy all the benefits of whitening treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Before treatment begins, every client has a consultation. During the consultation, which is very relaxed and informal, we check that you are a suitable candidate for whitening and we then explain how the treatment works and what you need to do at home to enjoy the best results. We then make moulds of your teeth, which are used as templates for your whitening trays. Once your trays are ready, you can then start your treatment.

The treatment process for home whitening is one of its biggest selling points because it is so simple and easy. All you have to do is wear your custom-designed whitening trays at home for a period of 10-14 days; we recommend wearing the trays for 6 hours per day and you can choose when you do this and fit your treatment around your work schedule and your social commitments. After you finish treatment, your teeth will look noticeably whiter.

If you like the sound of home whitening and you’d like to find out more or book your consultation, give us a call or pop in and speak to our friendly receptionists if you are in Leeds city centre.


Meet The Hybrid Orthodontic Treatment In The City Of Leeds

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

2904341_blogOften described as a hybrid between traditional orthodontics and modern invisible braces, the Damon Brace system offers an array of benefits for patients who are searching for an effective, discreet and painless solution to moderate or severe orthodontic issues. This system is a modern and innovative alternative to traditional fixed braces and it can provide the support and movement necessary for treating even the most complex cases.

About Damon Braces

Damon Braces are an extremely advanced tooth straightening treatment, which uses state of the art technology to reduce treatment time and ensure patients feel more comfortable and confident during the treatment process. Unlike conventional fixed braces, Damon Braces are made from sliding brackets and self-ligating memory wires; the brackets are smaller and more discreet than traditional square brackets and they are also much easier to clean. The wires generate friction-free force, which applies gentle, pain-free pressure to the teeth.

Who can benefit from Damon Braces?

Damon Braces provide an alternative for any patient that is a suitable candidate for traditional fixed braces and they can be employed to tackle a diverse range of orthodontic issues, including issues with the bite (overbite, underbite or crossbite), overjet, crowding, crooked teeth and spacing. This system is often recommended for those who need a lot of movement, although it can also be highly beneficial for those who require less movement. Your City Dental dentist will be able to assess whether you are a good match for Damon Braces when you come for your consultation.

How long will I have to wear Damon Braces for?

Every patient has different needs and the timeframe for treatment varies; generally speaking, the more movement that is required, the longer the treatment time. Treatment times may vary from 6-24 months. On average, you can expect results around 4-6 months faster than traditional fixed braces.