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Archive for April, 2015

Broken Tooth? We Can Fix Your Dental Problems!

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

3520145_blogIf you’ve broken a tooth in an accident, have fallen or suffered an unexpected dental injury while trying to chew on a hard food, we are here to help. With our amazing restorative treatments, we can patch up your damaged teeth and give you the confidence to smile again in no time!

What causes a broken tooth?


There are lots of possible causes of broken teeth, including:

  • fighting
  • trauma
  • falls
  • biting down on hard foods or objects
  • using the teeth to open bottles etc.
  • sports injuries

If a tooth is broken, there is a risk of further damage and infection and it is best to see your dentist to find out about treatment options. Repairing a tooth will not only reduce the risk of further damage, it will also improve the look of the tooth.

What can we do for a broken tooth?

The treatment we recommend will probably reflect the degree of injury. If the tooth is chipped, composite bonding is an excellent solution. This simple procedure takes just an hour and there’s minimal discomfort involved. If the tooth is more extensively damaged, a crown, onlay or inlay may be recommended. Inlays and onlays are often described as middle ground between fillings and crowns and are beneficial if damage is not severe. If the tooth is damaged significantly, a crown may be fitted to strengthen the tooth. Crowns sit over the top of the tooth and they are custom-designed for a perfect fit.

If you’ve suffered an injury or have been troubled by dental pain and you think you may have a broken tooth, call us today and arrange an appointment. We can provide you with treatment to repair the damage and prevent you from feeling any discomfort.

Put a Stop to Gum Disease with Preventative Dentistry

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

18625044Whoever coined the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ was spot on, especially when it comes to oral health. At City Dental Leeds, we actively promote preventative dentistry and healthy lifestyle choices to ensure our clients don’t have to put with troublesome teeth and painful gums. We offer a range of general dental treatments and oral hygiene services to protect against and prevent oral diseases, including gum disease, and we encourage all our patients to come and see us every six months for a quick check-up.

Preventing gum disease

Gum disease is very common, but it’s also preventable. It is caused by harmful bacteria that produce strong acids that irritate the gums and bring about soreness and inflammation. The most common risk factor for gum disease is poor oral hygiene. If you neglect your teeth cleaning regime, bacteria multiply and combine with food debris and saliva to form plaque. Plaque is sticky and it clings to the gums and tooth surfaces. As well as being a contributor to gum disease, plaque is also the most common cause of decay. You can remove bacteria and traces of food easily by brushing the teeth twice a day and flossing on a regular basis.

In addition to an excellent daily oral hygiene regime, we also recommend regular dental check-ups and an annual oral hygiene treatment. If you are at risk of developing gum disease, more frequent hygiene sessions will be highly beneficial.

We also recommend paying attention to your diet and trying to avoid regularly consuming foods and drinks that are acidic or have high sugar content.

As smoking is a major risk factor for gum disease, we also advise patients to try and cut down or preferably give up altogether. We understand that this can be a very difficult process and we are here to offer advice and support.

Are Your Headaches Caused by TMJ Problems?

Monday, April 13th, 2015

2143132_blogDo you regularly start your day with a headache or migraine? Have you heard clicking noises when you move your jaw or experienced prolonged earache or neck pain? If so, you may have TMJ disorder. This is a group of symptoms that affect the temporomandibular joint. This joint connects the lower jaw to the skull and it can be felt if you place your fingers on the side of your face just in front of your ear lobes and then open and close your mouth.

What exactly is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorder is an umbrella term given to a collection of symptoms that involve the TMJ. Examples of these symptoms include:

  • clicking or popping noises when you move the jaw
  • tenderness and pain in and around the joint
  • restricted movement in the joint
  • headaches
  • earache
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • stiffness in the jaw, especially in the morning

Why have I got TMJ disorder?

Many cases of TMJ disorder are linked to bruxism, also known as tooth grinding. Grinding the teeth at night causes additional pressure on the facial muscles surrounding the TMJ and this may be the reason you find that your head aches and your jaw feels painful and stiff when you wake up in the morning. Grinding the teeth is often linked to stress or anxiety, but it can also be caused by loose fillings and orthodontic issues that affect the alignment of the top and bottom teeth.

Some underlying health conditions, including arthritis and traumatic jaw injuries, can also increase the risk of TMJ disorder.

If you suffer from the symptoms listed above, call us now and make an appointment. We will carry out some tests and examinations to ascertain the cause. Once we have established this, we can discuss treatment options with you. These may include replacing damaged fillings, starting orthodontic treatment or fitting a custom-made bite guard to prevent bruxism. Don’t suffer in silence- make an appointment today!

How Does a Good Diet Lead to Excellent Oral Health?

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

2429879_blogMost people are aware that eating a healthy, balanced diet can make a significant difference to their general health and wellbeing, but have you ever thought how the foods you eat impact your oral health? Paying attention to your diet can really help to keep dental disease at bay and ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy.

Foods to include in your diet

Many people focus on the foods that are bad for your teeth, but there are lots of foods you can add to your diet to boost your oral health. Good examples include dairy products, leafy calcium rich vegetables, and fruits and vegetables that contain important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, D and E, potassium and iron. Calcium is really important, especially for children, because it helps to strengthen the tooth tissue, as well as the bones and nails.

Foods to try and avoid

The bad news is that there are lots of foods, usually ones we love, that are not so good for the teeth. Anything that has high sugar content, such as cakes, biscuits, sweets and chocolate, is not good news for the teeth and acidic foods and drinks are also harmful. Acids erode the protective enamel layer of the tooth and sugars cause bacteria in the mouth to feed and produce plaque acids, which attack the enamel surface. Examples of acidic foods and drinks include vinegar and vinegar-based salad dressing, wine, fruit juice, citrus fruits and fizzy pop.

Eating habits

Your eating habits are often as important as the types of food you eat when it comes to oral health. The frequency of eating has a major impact on oral health, as the enamel becomes temporarily weak after eating. It takes time for it recover and if you’re grazing throughout the day, this recovery period cannot take place. For this reason, we recommend trying to stick to three meals a day and ensuring that any sugary or acidic foods or drinks are consumed with a main meal. It’s also advisable to brush the teeth at least 45 minutes after eating, rather than straight afterwards; this helps to prevent damage to the enamel.

If you have any questions about healthy eating or which foods to include and avoid in your diet, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist or dental hygienist for advice.

Protecting Damaged Teeth with Porcelain Crowns

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

2487210_blogAt City Dental Leeds, our aim is to prevent and protect the teeth from damage and dental disease. With our beautifully crafted porcelain crowns, we can strengthen injured or decayed teeth to prevent further harm and enhance the appearance of your smile.

About porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns are restorations placed over the top of a weakened tooth to offer greater support and protection. Crowns have a range of purposes and they are designed to bolster the tooth as well as making it look more attractive. When you have a crown fitted, your dentist will also clean the tooth thoroughly and remove all the decayed tissue to prevent any infection from spreading throughout the tooth.

Porcelain is an excellent choice of material for a crown because it is strong and durable, it matches the natural shade of the teeth and it has a lovely sheen, giving the smile a healthy glow.

Crowns are a versatile treatment and they really help to reduce the risk of further damage to a tooth through injury or infection. Intervening with restorative treatment can help to prevent losing a tooth in the future.

How is a crown fitted?

At City Dental, we are lucky to have CEREC technology, which means that we can offer clients a choice of same-day crown treatment or hand-crafted traditional crowns that usually take around two weeks. In the case of CEREC, we simply take photographs of the teeth, which are converted by the advanced technology to 3D models. CEREC takes care of the entire process, from the design to the manufacture and the models are sent to the milling machine. The on-site milling machine takes just a few minutes to produce the new crown and your dentist will then fit it. In the case of traditional crowns, your dentist will create an impression of the tooth using dental putty, which will sent away to the dental laboratory. A skilled technician will make your crown and we can then fit it once it has arrived back at the clinic.

Crowns should last for around 5 years. If they are damaged, they may need repairing or replacing.

If you think you’d benefit from crown treatment at City Dental Leeds, call us now and book your appointment!

What To Do If You’re Afraid of Dental Pain

Friday, April 10th, 2015

4361359_blogDental anxiety is extremely common and most people would admit that they feel at least a little nervous when faced with a trip to the dentist. At City Dental Leeds, our experienced and understanding team works incredibly hard to ensure that patients feel comfortable and help nervous patients to overcome their fears.

In addition to providing clients with a relaxing environment, we also use a range of techniques and modern treatments to reduce pain, shorten treatment time and enable patients to feel more comfortable. We are able to carry out certain treatments under sedation and our dentists are always happy to meet with nervous patients to help them prepare for treatment, reassure them and make them feel less anxious.

About sedation

Sedation is an effective way of helping patients to feel more relaxed during a dental or medical procedure. Using sedative medication induces a state of deep calm on the body and mind and under sedation, patients are unable to feel pain. When the effects of sedatives become apparent, patients feel a little drowsy, but they don’t lose consciousness. After sedation, you probably won’t remember much about the procedure and it will take a few hours for the effects of the sedative to wear off completely. We recommend asking somebody to accompany you home and stay with you while you come around.

Sedation is hugely beneficial for anxious patients and it helps to relieve nervousness in the run-up to treatment as well as during the actual procedure.

If you suffer from severe anxiety, haven’t seen a dentist for a long time or  have specific fears such as a fear of pain or needles, we can help. Call us today or bob into the clinic if you are passing and our friendly, compassionate team will do everything they can to ease your worries and make you feel as calm and comfortable as possible.

Keep the Kids’ Teeth Healthy During the Spring Months

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

221838_blogSpring is here and the Easter holidays have arrived, which is great news for kids, but maybe not such good news for their teeth and gums. Easter is synonymous with chocolate eggs and sweet treats, so here are some simple tips to look after children’s teeth this spring and enable them to enjoy the fun of the holidays without any dental pain:

Book a dental check-up: if your child is due to see their dentist for a check-up, the holidays are the perfect time to get an appointment booked. Check-ups only take a few minutes, but they can really help to reduce the risk of dental decay and gum disease. We strongly advise parents to keep up to date with check-ups and arrange six-monthly appointments.

Limit treats: it can be tricky to limit treats at Easter time, but try not to go too crazy when shopping for eggs and avoid letting kids eat sweets and chocolate all through the day. Limit your child’s sugar intake in line with daily intake recommendations and try to find healthy yet tasty alternatives. There are some great ideas and recipes online. Getting kinds involved in baking, cooking and preparing food will make them more interested in eating it, so try to get them to help you out with healthy cooking in the kitchen.

Supervise brushing: good habits can slip in the holidays, so make sure you supervise brushing for younger children and encourage them to brush twice a day for 2 minutes each time. If your child regularly sharks the recommended time limit, set a timer or put a song on for them to brush along to.

To book a dental check, simply call our friendly receptionists. We can also offer family appointments.

The Best Braces in Britain

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

braces front teethWe are delighted to offer our clients the best orthodontic treatments in Britain, right here in the centre of Leeds. If you’re looking for a straightening solution for crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth, you’ve come to the right place!

About braces

Braces are a tried and tested treatment for issues such as crowded and crooked teeth. In the last few years, there have been major developments in the design of braces and patients now have more choice than ever before. Gone are the days of bulky, ugly braces – in their place lies a dazzling collection of discreet, speedy and comfortable treatments that produce truly beautiful smiles.

Whether you need intensive treatment or minor correction, we can find the perfect solution for you!

Our braces include:

  • Inman Aligner
  • Six Month Smiles
  • STb Social 6 braces
  • Invisalign

The Inman Aligner and Invisalign are removable aligner treatments that provide patients with a discreet and convenient means of straightening out issues such as minor crowding and spaces between the teeth. With an average treatment time of just 16 weeks, the Inman Aligner is aimed at patients who only need minor correction for issues that affect the front teeth, while Invisalign offers an invisible alternative to fixed braces for patients who have minor or moderate problems.

Six Month Smiles and STb Social 6 are fixed brace systems that target problems with the front teeth. Six Month Smiles feature clear and tooth-coloured components, while STb Social 6 braces are lingual braces, which means that the brackets are fixed to the back of the teeth. STb is ideal for those with very minor issues, while Six Month Smiles is sited to those with minor to moderate needs.

To find out which treatments would suit you best, call now and arrange a consultation!

Everything You Need to Know About CEREC

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

2904341_blogAt City Dental Leeds, we are always eager to move with the times and ensure our clients have access to the best dental services around and we are very proud to have CEREC technology on-site. With this amazingly innovative technology, we are able to offer hassle-free, bespoke, same-day restorative treatment.

What exactly is CEREC?

CEREC is a form of technology that enables dentists to create same-day restorations on-site. Usually, when a patient needs a new crown, this requires separate appointments to make an impression and then fit the crown two weeks later when it has been made by dental technicians and then returned to the clinic. With CEREC, we design, manufacture and fit the new restoration in a single session an there’s no need for impressions or anything to be sent away; everything is done here and you can enjoy instant results.

CEREC converts camera images of the teeth into detailed models, which are sent to the on-site milling machine. After just a couple of minutes, the manufacturing process is complete and we can then fit the restoration. We are able to make veneers, dental crowns, inlays and onlays with CEREC.

What are the advantages of CEREC?

One of the most obvious advantages of Cerec is the reduced speed of treatment. Processes that usually take two weeks can now be completed in just a single day. There’s no waiting around, no send away and no putty impressions. There’s also no need for temporary restorations, as the new crown or inlay can be fitted immediately. The process is also much more accurate and much less messy. Dentists also have more influence over the design of the new restoration and patients can enjoy the convenience of booking one afternoon off, rather than two or three separate sessions.

If you like the sound of CEREC, call now to learn more!

How Does a Dental Bridge Work?

Monday, April 6th, 2015

3488681_blogIf you’re looking for a simple, quick and affordable way of replacing a lost or severely decayed tooth, look no further than a dental bridge.

What exactly is a dental bridge and how does it work?

A dental bridge is an effective tooth replacement treatment that consists of a unit of crowns used to bridge the gap between two teeth. A traditional fixed bridge is made up of a false tooth, called a pontic, which is sandwiched between two crowns. The crowns are anchored by the healthy teeth surrounding the gap.

Bridges can be matched to the natural tooth shade to create a seamless aesthetic and treatment usually requires just 2 sessions, which are scheduled around 2-3 weeks apart. Every bridge is custom-made to ensure a perfect fit. We use tooth-coloured ceramic to create beautiful smiles.

The benefits of replacing missing teeth with a bridge

Missing teeth can contribute to an increased risk of oral health issues linked to the look of the smile. Gaps can also affect the clarity of speech and make eating more difficult. When you have spaces in the smile, you may also find that the remaining teeth start to slip out of position.

Bridges offer a host of benefits, as the treatment process is simple, you can see results after just a couple of weeks and you can enjoy a beautiful smile for years to come. Provided that they are well cared-for, bridges can last up to 15 years. Bridges are less expensive than dental implants and the process is simpler and faster. They are also easier to maintain than dentures.

If you have a missing tooth, a dental bridge could help to restore your smile and increase your confidence. Why not call and make an appointment to find out more today?