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Archive for April, 2015

Magnificent Mini Implants

Sunday, April 5th, 2015

iStock_000001998629XSmallAt City Dental Leeds, we’re delighted to offer a range of terrific tooth replacement treatments including magnificent mini implants. As you may have guessed, these are smaller versions of traditional dental implants. If you’re looking for an effective, long-term solution for lost teeth or troublesome dentures, these innovative devices could be just the ticket.

What exactly are mini dental implants?

Mini dental implants are smaller versions of traditional dental implants. These light, titanium prostheses are inserted into openings in the jaw bone to replace the missing tooth root. Once they have settled into the bone tissue, implants can then be connected to a new restoration that replaces the visible section of the tooth (the crown). Traditional dental implants require strong, dense bone tissue to enable them to integrate fully. If you lack density in your jaw bone and are unable to tolerate a traditional implant, mini implants may be the way forward.

Mini implants are commonly attached to dentures to provide a stable, long-term solution for patients who have multiple missing teeth. Mini implants are easier to tolerate than traditional implants and the procedure is quicker and less invasive.

How are mini implants fitted?

We usually fit mini dental implants under local anaesthetic or light sedation. The procedure is minimally invasive and involves a very advanced surgical technique. The head of the implant is left exposed and this is attached to the new restoration.

The benefits of mini implants for denture wearers

Dentures have been an effective replacement for missing natural teeth for many years. However, they can be problematic. Mini implants offer an extremely stable base for dentures, giving the patient the opportunity to enjoy enhanced oral function, amazing aesthetics and the peace of mind that their denture will never come loose. Implants also offer much greater stability than the suction of the gums and this means that the denture has a much more comfortable fit.

If you like the sound of mini implants, why not pop in and see us or call and book an appointment?

Beginner’s Guide to the Sonicare Toothbrush

Saturday, April 4th, 2015

357249_blogIf you’re familiar with the confusion of standing in front of chemist or supermarket shelves stacked full of toothbrushes, allow us to make buying a toothbrush easy and hassle-free. We highly recommend Sonicare, a collection of brushes designed to make the teeth sparkle and shine and keep dental disease at bay.

Introducing Sonicare

Sonicare is a range of electric toothbrushes by Philips. We have recommended the Sonicare name for several years and we strongly believe that these products are among the world’s best brushes.

Sonicare offers something for everyone and there is a selection of brushes to suit patients with varying needs and budgets. Brushes range in price and there are additional features to combat common dental issues such as sensitivity and make brushing more convenient. You can now buy products with smart connectivity to track your brushing habits and flag up any issues or areas for improvement, in-built timers to make sure you’re brushing for long enough and brushing modes to suit your brushing preference.

Which brush is best for me?

Buying a toothbrush may seem like a simple task on the surface, but once you’re confronted with a range in which every option seem a good one, it can become more difficult. If you’re not sure which brush to buy, our dentists and dental hygienists will be happy to make recommendations based on how much you would like to spend and your individual dental needs and preferences. With Sonicare, you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money to guarantee that you’re getting a really high quality product that will definitely have a positive impact on your oral health.

If you need help with buying toothbrushes or toothpaste or you’d appreciate some advice about brushing techniques, don’t hesitate to ask. Our friendly dental team is always willing to help!

Popular Smile Makeover Treatments We Love

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

529808_blogOver the course of the last few years cosmetic dentistry has become incredibly popular and we see more and more patients who dream of a perfect looking smile. With our bespoke smile makeover service, we are able to make dreams come true! We have an array of state of the art treatments on offer and we are confident in achieving a flawless result every time.

If you lack confidence because of dental issues, hide your smile away or long for a celebrity style smile, call us now! We can transform your teeth, boost your confidence and ensure you never have to hide that smile away again.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is a cosmetic dental service that comprises of multiple treatments. The aim of treatment is to produce a beautiful new smile that matches the individual patient’s idea of a perfect set of pearly whites. We have a range of treatments to be used as part of a makeover and we use advanced imaging and design concepts to plan the treatment processes and draw up the perfect template. We spend a long time talking to our clients to establish the look they dream of and we work together to come up with a stunning smile. Every smile makeover we do is different as our service is custom-designed to suit the individual.

Popular smile makeover treatments

Our most popular smile makeover treatments include:

  • teeth whitening
  • porcelain veneers
  • gum re-shaping
  • composite bonding
  • porcelain crowns and bridges
  • white fillings

We also offer dentures, dental implants, cosmetic braces and general dentistry services to treat any underlying or existing dental health problems prior to cosmetic treatment.

The treatments you choose will usually reflect your dental needs. You may also factor in treatment duration and cost when selecting your makeover treatments.

If you’re looking to spring clean your smile, call us today and book your consultation!

Tricks for Tooth Grinders

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

2445507_blogTooth grinding is a common problem that can affect oral and general health, as well as sleep quality. The medical name for tooth grinding is bruxism.

Why do people grind their teeth?

There are various reasons why people may grind their teeth but in many cases, there is no clear cause. Many people are unaware that they grind their teeth because it usually occurs as a sub-conscious action.

Experts believe that some cases of bruxism are linked to stress and anxiety, while loose fillings or crowns and an uneven bite may also be contributory causes.

Signs of bruxism include tooth wear (uneven and worn edges, for example), headaches, ear pain, clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw, jaw pain, jaw stiffness and reduced movement and flexibility in the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). This is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull.

Tips for tooth grinders

Grinding the teeth can increase tension and pressure on the facial muscles, damage the teeth and cause pain in the jaw and therefore it’s beneficial to try and take steps to prevent bruxism. Here are some simple tips to take on board if you grind your teeth:

  • see your dentist
  • avoid stressful situations and triggers for anxiety
  • take steps to deal with stress

When you see your dentist, they will be able to examine the mouth for loose restorations and assess any problems with the bite that may be resulting in the upper and lower arches of teeth coming together while you sleep.

Treatment for tooth grinding

The treatment path will reflect the cause and options include repairing and replacing crowns and fillings, orthodontic treatment, stress management and wearing a bite guard. Bite guards are custom-made appliances inserted into the mouth to prevent contact between the top and bottom teeth.

For more information about bruxism or to find out about our specially made bite guards, call now and book a consultation.


How to Tell if You Have Sleep Apnoea

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

4443553_blogAt City Dental Leeds, we don’t just have your smile in mind. We also provide a range of treatments to boost your health and wellbeing, including treatment for bruxism, TMJ disorder, snoring and sleep apnoea.

What is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a disorder that occurs when the airway becomes blocked while you are asleep. This causes breathing to be interrupted and oxygen flow into the body to be reduced. In severe cases, sleep apnoea can be life-threatening. The term apnoea applies to periods of 10 seconds or longer when the airway is completed obstructed.

How do I know if I have sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is not the same as snoring. However, frequent snoring can be a sign of sleep apnoea. Other possible symptoms include struggling for breath while you sleep, gasping for air, feeling tired and like you haven’t had a good sleep when you wake up and heavy breathing. Sometimes, it may be other people who point out symptoms, as you may not be aware of them while you are semi-conscious.

Other possible signs of sleep apnoea include night sweats and waking up during the night on a frequent basis to urinate.

Risk factors for sleep apnoea

The main risk factors for sleep apnoea include:

  • being overweight or obese
  • drinking alcohol
  • smoking
  • having a large neck circumference
  • age: people who are aged over 40 years old have a higher risk of sleep apnoea
  • gender: males are more likely to suffer from sleep apnoea than females
  • taking some types of medication, including sleeping tablets

Treating sleep apnoea

There are various options available for people who have sleep apnoea, from basic lifestyle changes to using breathing apparatus during the night. In mild cases, making positive lifestyle choices and minor changes to your bedtime routine can help to reduce symptoms, while in more severe cases, ongoing treatment may be required. We are able to provide patients with custom-made appliances that help to keep the airway open during the night.

If you think you may have sleep apnoea, call now and make an appointment.