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Alternatives to sweets to avert gum disease from Leeds dentist

It is fairly common knowledge that sweet and sugary foods are bad for you teeth because they cause plaque and bacteria to stick to the surfaces of the teeth and gums where they do most damage. Sugary and starchy foods also react with the plaque to release acid, which erodes the gum tissue and tooth enamel. This causes gum disease and dental cavities leading to many dental health problems such as abscesses and infections, and even ultimately tooth loss. The main problem with sweet foods is that they are especially difficult to resist, especially for children who really need to look after their teeth. Sweet foods can also be responsible for bad breath as they encourage the growth of bacteria and associated sulphurous acids.

How do you eat more healthily for you teeth but still enjoy sweet foods? Foods like raisins and grapes make excellent sweet snacks and contain natural sugars. Sugar free gum may also be able to satisfy your craving but the reality is that most foods will contain some material damaging to your teeth. The secret to eating healthily for your teeth is to eat food with low sugar and keep up an effective dental hygiene routine. The importance of brushing and flossing for the health of your teeth cannot be stressed enough. Even of you were to eat sugary sweets, effective cleaning immediately afterward would limit the amount of damage. You should ideally brush your teeth after every meal, or at the very least, drink water to rinse your mouth. Ask a Leeds dentist for more information about which foods are better for your teeth and about effective dental hygiene. This way you can be sure you are doing all you can to protect your teeth from cavities and unpleasant dental complications.

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