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Bad Breath and the use of Oral Products in Leeds

It’s amazing when you look around Leeds just how many products there are on the market to keep up your oral hygiene program at home, and especially ones that promise to stave of bad breath. If you are someone who suffers from bad breath, you probably suffer from a lack of saliva in the mouth making it dry so probably, you’re first option to try to remedy the smell with a mouth wash- because that’s good for you and will, kill off bacteria in the mouth….or is it good for your mouth? Some of the cheaper mouthwashes contain alcohol which yes, is good for killing bacteria, but which also can dry the mouth out even more- adding to the problem of bad breath. They may also contain a masking agent, which dries your mouth out too and though your breath smells okay for a while afterwards- it does nothing to remedy the overall problem. If you are suffering from a dry mouth, you’d also be very wise to steer clear of toothpastes that whiten your teeth, for they contain bleaching agents that can compound your problem. What you need to do is seek advice from someone who can help with your problem and steer you away from products that will only make it worse- and the person best to do that is you dentist.

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