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The eternal fight against Tooth and Gum Disease in Central Leeds

It’s always the eternal fight and your dentist in central Leeds will keep banging on about it and nagging you, but the biggest danger to your mouth is that of gum disease and tooth decay. Keeping up a strict regime of looking after your teeth at home through regular cleaning and flossing is key, yet all of our best laid plans can go awry at times which is why you need to keep up regular visits to your dentist, as they will be able to spot anything going wrong. You can also talk about anything that you feel has been going wrong; if your mouth has been tasting a little foul and/or your gums have been bleeding during brushing, these are the early signs of gum disease. The teeth can be rectified by a filling or a root canal- the roots can even be cleared of any bacteria, but the gums, depending on just how bad the problem is, may need the teeth cleaned below the gum line, and in extreme cases, the dead tissue removed and then grafted. Bleeding gums can be halted in their tracks by more intense attention to detail when cleaning your teeth and incorporating herbal products into your regime can help soothe and regenerate the gums- gargling with salt water is also good for healing process. The other incentive for stopping the problem is twofold: gum disease can lead to heart failure plus your may end up losing your teeth in the long run.

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