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Beautiful Teeth with Lumineers in Leeds

Modern problems that arise in life demand modern answers and all that some of us require at times is a ‘quick fix’ to get us through; the modern world has developed a ‘use it and bin it’ mentality and when we want things, we want them straight away to replace what we have discarded. Now, that’s not to say that the world of dentistry employs this philosophy, but over the past 30 years, it too has adjusted some its treatments that a modern world can place on our teeth, especially the need to look good cosmetically. One of the procedures to come out of the States is the Lumineer, a treatment to cater for the person on the go. It’s a specially patented porcelain covering that is simply cemented onto the surface of the tooth to improve the over all appearance of the smile. Like a traditional veneer, it can cover a multitude of sins on the tooth from discolouring, to cracks and gaps, but unlike its predecessor, it doesn’t do any damage to the enamel of the tooth, meaning that the original surface can be restored if required. Being extremely delicate, the Lumineer lasts for around 5 years, but it is a quick fix with the minimal of hassle to put into place, meaning that once its run its course, you simply ‘bin it’ and get another one fitted, and considering that dentists in the area use CEREC treatment, it means you can get one measured, made and fitted in Leeds in under 2 hours- is that fast enough for you?!

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